Thursday, August 27, 2015


This morning in the shower, after much massaging and squeezing, I got the teeniest tiniest white drops forming in my nipples.

Yes that’s right folks, I got DROPS!

I mean “drops” is probably an exaggeration, they were absolutely the smallest hint at a drop of milk. But they were there.

Let me back up a bit. A week or so ago I decided to see if a clumsy attempt at hand expression in the shower would do anything. Warm water running over your breasts apparently helps milk let down. Nothing happened but I did not lose heart. Birth control pills inhibit milk production, regardless of the fact the Domperidone should be heightening my prolactin levels. I didn’t expect anything but I thought I’d give it a bash.

This morning I thought I would try again. I am onto my third day of constant lightning boob, it feels as though someone is driving needles in and out of my left nipple. Seriously.

(So far Righty is the slacker and hardly hurts at all!)

I massaged and did compression/expression for a few minutes. I looked at Lefty and could have sworn I saw a tiny white speck in the centre of my nipple. I tried not to get too excited and told myself it was a trick of the light or soap, after all my boobs were wet. Righty had nothing.

I carried on for a minute or so and suddenly had what can only be described as a gurgling rush moving downwards in my lefty. I thought I saw another white-ish speck.

I stopped the shower, hurriedly dried myself and tried expressing first on the Lefty. After only a minute or so, there it was. Another tiny white glistening speck!! I squealed!!

Immediately I tried on lazy Righty, it took slightly longer and harder expression but there too appeared the tiniest glisten of whiteness!

I bounced into the bedroom and said to Dax:

“So I think you may be grossed out by this but I squeezed my boobs and the tiniest little white bubbles appeared on both!”

He humoured me and actually looked pretty pleased for me!

“No way!” He said. He told me he wasn’t grossed out, he was really happy for me and told me he was so proud of me and my determination!

I got dressed, wearing a light grey top and noticed after I’d done my hair and put my moisturiser on that I had the tiniest wet patch on my top!

I have since tweeted about this development (I could hardly contain myself all morning!) and I called SSIL and told her! She was massively excited for me too, although my poor brother had to listen to the whole ‘I squeezed my boobs’ story on speakerphone hahaha!!

Lefty has not stopped tingling/hurting all morning. It keeps having a weird bubbling/tingling sensation on top of the stabbing in the nipple area…

Seriously, this is a very exciting day.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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