Sunday, July 3, 2016

Life Lessons Learned while Breast-feeding 

Good morning!  I know it has been forever since my last update, again- three under three!!! 

Over the past few months I’ve begun reflecting over my past 4 years in order to truly appreciate the depth of how far I’ve come. I posted something on Facebook a few days ago about allowing God to use unusual people and circumstances to build you into the person God created you to be. 

One of the biggest and hardest  accomplishments I’ve made since becoming a mommy has been breastfeeding. I know in most cultures, it is the norm. In the US, it isn’t!  My grandmother breastfed in the ’60s and even then it was going out of style. The support just isn’t there. This is tragic to me in so many ways. I’ve decided that I want to use my gift as a teacher to encourage and support young mothers to reach their ideal breastfeeding outcomes. I want to go deeper than the one to three days of counseling you may or may not get in the hospital. I want to create a community of women who come together and support each other on day 12 when you and baby have thrush; on day 185 when  your six month old wants to do anything but nurse; and on day 365 when the laws prohibit you allotted time to pump at work because they do not see the importance of your sweet baby nursing past his or her first birthday. More than that, I want to help mammas maintain a healthy level of personal health, wellness, and spirituality along the way.

I have nursed all three of my children. My first for 14 months, my second for 7, and my final for 6 so far. In my journey I gave learned 5 key life lessons.

  • Patientence:  No one learns to be patient faster than a momma with a baby that nurses for 45 minutes a time, 10 to 12 times a day. My first was so like this. It gave me the time to be still and enjoy my sweet girl. 
  • Discipline: No one learns how to be disciplined enough to sit still for 45 minutes 10 to 12 times a day like a breastfeeding momma. God truly used this time in my life to show me how to work for what I believe in, even when no one around me saw the point. 
  • Perseverance : No one learns how to push through the thrush, the pain, the joy, the unknown like a breastfeeding momma. We so often isolate ourselves because we do feel like we are the only ones going through this. Which leads me to my next point. 
  • Trust: No one learns who to truly trust the same way a newly breastfeeding momma does. The nurses the lactation consultants the other mommas; what do they know about MY baby?! – a lot I’ll get there later….
  • Community : Jesus instructs us to not give up meeting togehter. This is why! I know that this is directly meant to encourage us to go to church,  but community brings people together, which lifts people up, which helps us achieve positive outcomes!  

These are some of the basic lessons I’ve gathered from breastfeeding. They are applicable everywhere. That’s why I want to take these lessons, these pearls, and reach out to my community. I’m going to spend some more time breaking down my vision in the posts to come, and I encourage you to explore with me! 

God Bless.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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