Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding has definitely been difficult at times. It has been a learning experience. And it has been something that I always continued to try because I knew the benefits were so great!

I have 4 kids. When I had my first baby, I was only 19. I was young. And while I wanted to breastfeed, I just wasn’t mature enough to continue very long at all. I bought a pump and was really excited to do it, but once that baby was put on my breast and it hurt, I was DONE. It freaking hurt! I don’t even think I lasted two weeks.

I remember sitting on the couch, hand expressing my milk in a pitcher because my boobs hurt so bad, and I was so blistered that the pump hurt as well. That just wasn’t for me at that time in my life.

My second baby, a baby boy, I was more determined to breastfeed with him and make it work. But still something just wasn’t clicking. We had problems from the first latch. I had blisters before leaving the hospital. But I didn’t give up. I nursed him through the pain. I started using a manual pump, because that’s all I had.

I could see blood in the pump, going into my milk. It hurt. But I still didn’t give up. He was healthy and getting fat, so I know my milk was working for him, so I kept on. I was mostly pumping, but one day the pain was so bad, that I thought I was going to pass out. It was at that moment, 4 ½ months into nursing/pumping that I said enough was enough. I felt bad. I felt like I had failed, but I just didn’t want to go through that pain any more.

With my 3rd, it was much better. I had the lactation consultant in my room at the hospital a lot to make sure my baby girl was latching on correctly. I didn’t want to leave the hospital sore, because I knew it would be a downward spiral from there. I asked my friends a ton of questions. I was always worried whether or not she was getting enough. But this baby girl was going through over 20 diapers a day, mostly poopie ones. She was definitely getting enough. It still hurt, because my nipples were just getting use to it. They were becoming tough.

One day it finally clicked. She and I were nursing with no problem. I looked down at her while she nursed, and I was like wait a minute, this doesn’t hurt anymore. I never had to pump with her. I just nursed her on demand whenever she wanted. My third baby refused to take a bottle. She was content with just nursing from me. I felt great. I felt accomplished.

I am pretty sure she only quit at 18 months, because I was pregnant again, with number 4 and my milk had changed. I was wondering why all of a sudden my nipples were so sensitive. It was because I was pregnant. But I am so happy and grateful that I lasted 18 months.

With my 4th baby, everything started out wonderful. He latched on minutes after being delivered. He was 8 lbs. 2 oz. at birth and at his 2 week check up he was already up to 9 lbs. 4 oz. My milk was definitely working for him.

Breastfeeding has definitely been a learning experience for me. At times it was a struggle, but soon became so easy. It is such a natural thing now. I don’t even think about it. And I have friends that come to me for advice and help and that makes me feel good.

I am working and having to pump now. And I am pumping more than my baby needs, so I have been able to donate milk to moms that really need it. I am able to help other babies, because I have extra to give. And that makes me proud and happy.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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