Thursday, December 1, 2016

Country Leek Soup

img_2751Leeks are in the onion family and are an allium vegetable. They have flavonoids which make them a healthy choice when deciding what to cook. Besides their health value, they are mild in flavor too.

I’m often asked by lactating moms if onions are ok to eat while breastfeeding (bf). Generally, whatever was eaten in pregnancy, can be eaten when breastfeeding. The flavors of our foods in pregnancy go to the baby in utero. Therefore, the baby already has been exposed to the flavors of our diet. Many cultures have their own unique foods, and so your baby will have the foods of your culture.  This means whether your foods are spicy, salty, sweet, or bitter, your baby will be accustomed to it.

With leeks being in the onion family, they are a great mild and healthy source of nutrition. The soup below was my go-to when my days were hectic and I needed a healthy meal as a lactating mama.  However, a tricky part to preparing leeks is knowing how to clean them. Slice the top dark green, and the bottom roots off. Then make a slice horizontally from top to bottom. Open each section and rinse thoroughly, especially opposite the open slit. Once you master that, you are on your way to making a flavonoid-rich meal which will keep your energy up for those sweet nursing times.

Did you have a favorite leek dish when you were breastfeeding?

Country Leek Soup



  • (12) cups water
  • (8) vegetable or chicken bouillon cubes
  • (6) medium – large Russett or red potatoes, diced
  • (2) celery, may include the leaves, chopped
  • (2) large carrots, chopped
  • (1) large leek, cleaned thoroughly, sliced horizontally and include white and light green parts only. Discard dark green parts.
  •  1/8 cup cleaned, chopped parsley
  • salt and pepper – to taste
  • Milk, soy, or almond milk – to taste (optional)


  • In large soup pot, bring water to boil
  • Add bouillon cubes
  • Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes
  • When potatoes  and vegetables are tender, blend with a hand blender until creamy
  • Add milk or non-dairy milk

A fun option is to drink the soup in a mug, a travel mug, or a thermos. Keeping it on a side table next to your bf space will make it an easy snack, too. Enjoy!

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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