Thursday, August 10, 2017

Surving Breastfeeding 101

Hey Dolls,

As many of you may know I am a breastfeeding mommy and I am going on 11 months strong with my son. Today it is a simple as laying my son on my lap, pulling out my breast, he latches and we fed for about 3-4 minutes.

How did we get here tho? When I was pregnant I knew immediately I wanted to breastfeed. I watched my cousin breastfeed her two kids and I loved the bond that she had with them. I immediately did research on benefits of breast milk versus formula.

The fact that breast milk contains antibodies that can help you baby fight off viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding lowers your baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies. Plus babies that are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months without any formula , have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses and bouts of diarrhea.

I knew I wanted to offer this to my son. But it would be a challenge. Historically, in black women were made to “wet nurse”(breastfed and care for another child that isn’t yours) white babies during slavery & segregation. Therefore it became this stigma where black women opted for formula instead of their natural breast milk. Personally my mother disdnt breastfed so I knew I would have to take on breastfeeding with support of my Husband. We attended a few birthing and breastfeeding classes which taught us several positions to breastfed your child. As proper was to latch.

Once you give birth, your breast will produce what is called colostrum which is the for step of your milk coming in. Your baby will feed about every hour. Even if they are asleep it is best to wake your baby for feedings because newborns aren’t use to having to eat because the umbilical cord was providing their nutrients.

After about 3 days your milk supply will build and you will become engorged. Meaning you will have a sudden supply of breast milk. At this point I recommend taking a hot shower and hand express the milk or use a pump to relive the amount of milk. Durning this to!e you will experience some pain in your breast. I also recommend nipple cream which you can apply before and after feedings. Personally it was a LIFE SAVER!

Lastly, stay patient, you and your child are both learning. There are many people who can help. Loving support is a company that helped me that was 24/7 you can call and they even have lactation specialist that will assist. Don’t be afraid of asking questions everyone needs somebody, stay encouraged. Hopefully this was helpful.
Until next time,


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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