Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Feed those babies

Okay pumping moms, production that’s the topic today. I never had any issues with producing milk with my oldest, not once. If anything I produced more than I needed, but we know not to complain about that because we ALWAYS end up needing it. Well that’s not the situation here with my youngest now. I seem to always be producing ‘just enough’ or unfortunately not enough. What makes it suck even more? He REFUSES formula, so if we are out and I’m dry we are SOL till that milk comes in. So I will be trying, and reviewing for all of you, different lactation recipes and ‘pumping tricks’ to get production up. 

The first recipe I am trying is a shake I found on Pinterest.

Before starting the shake once a day I monitored my pumping for two days. I mean I monitored it as much as I could, come on we moms are busy! Saturday I pumped 2 times, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, both until I was ‘dry’. The first ‘pump session’ I got a whopping 4 oz :/ and a disappoining 2oz for the afternoon one. Sunday I pumped in the morning, late afternoon, and even fit in a night time pump before the little man woke up for his nightly cuddles. This time I got 3oz, 4oz, and another 3oz. For my little guy being about 9 months old this is a very sad number to see on those bags 😔

Monday I tried the shake.

Remember I am also nursing my baby in between these pumping sessions, I just wanted to get a rough estimate on how much I was producing to see how well these shakes work. 

The one I’m reviewing in this post is called The Chocolate Peanut Butter Lactation Shake


  • Frozen Banana
  • 1/4 Cup Oats
  • 2 tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 1 tbsp flax seed
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup milk 
  • 2 cups ice, (I didn’t use any ice since we have an ‘antique’ fridge that doesn’t make any)


Put the Oats in a blender and give it a few good ‘spins’ to break them up followed by adding the remaining ingredients. 

If you used ice you may put as many cups in to get it to your desired consistency. 

My Review: 

If your trying this shake I hope you like bananas because I HATE them, so much even with all the chocolate and yummy stuff in this shake I couldn’t finish it. Only got half of it down.. You can ask my daughter I TRIED so hard to chug it down, I just couldn’t get past the banana taste 🤢. But the good news is even just half must have helped! That same day I was only able to fit one pumping session in during the afternoon and I got 5oz! And by time nighttime came I was engorged (a feeling I hadn’t had since the beginning of this adventure with him). I went to bed hopeful and happy. 

Yesterday was another crazy day where I was only able to get one pumping in and this time I got 8oz! WHAT!! I hadn’t filled a bag with one session in a very long time. 

To see these results with just drinking half the shake and only 1 tbsp of the seeds was very uplifting. If your a mom wanting to produce more for your little I highly reccomend this, I will be making a different flavor shake tomorrow to try and find one I can finish and enjoy to keep the production level up :) 

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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