Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 10

My baby is in the double digits and I only have a week left at home with her! It’s been a doozy of a week for me personally, but Iris has been rather chill. If anything she’s become a professional raspberrier, and she still despises tummy time.

IMG_2141“You’re torturing me please stooooop!”

Naturally, I am worried about her lack of tummy time because I feel like she won’t crawl because she never wants to be in this position. Thankfully it feels like today I had some progress with her. I’ve gotten a few ten minute stretches in a row where she was pretty entertained by the mirror. I feel like a terrible mother saying this, but I feel like there will be a lot more progress with this once she goes to daycare. It breaks my heart to hear her cry and I think part of her learning is letting her struggle a bit. Maybe I’m wrong, but either way I’ll keep trying and hope she starts to enjoy it.

Thankfully her interest in toys has grown quite a bit. She is now able to grab toys and feel them. She hasn’t been shaking her rattle or anything, but she holds onto it. This kind of helps getting her places because she will look at her feet/hands for entertainment, or a toy. It’s also super fun because I feel like I can officially play with her! Before she was a slug now she’s like a caterpillar.

IMG_2182I even added the rubber duck into the bath with her, and she was fairly entertained.

She had her two month appointment this week and I was surprised to hear that she is only 12lbs 5oz and 24 inches. She’s very tall there’s no denying that, but I could of sworn she was heavier she certainly feels like it. Her doctor said she’s “beautifully healthy” which is cool. She also got her shots which she handled fairly well. Even afterwards there was no signs of her being sick though we gave her a bit of children’s Tylenol just in case. The doctor recommended just 1.25 mL right after the shots. Either way I am proud of her for being a champ.

So, the biggest part of my week involved my mental health. My stress levels have been sky high and I found myself super down about the breast milk issue. I discussed this with her pediatrician and she recommended I go see my OB. My OB is honestly not the kindest dude so I didn’t feel comfortable discussing my feelings with him so the office paired me with a nurse practitioner. I’ve also never gotten an appointment so fast as I did when I mentioned being worried about postpartum depression. I discussed with her the fact that my supply dropped and I’ve been working hard to bring back a semblance of a supply, but mentioned I felt sad as a result.

The other thing lingering on my mind that is bringing me down is returning to work. I just don’t feel mentally ready for it yet, but I know I need to. She said she was glad I came in when I did because if I didn’t and I continued feeling like this when I returned to work it may have been worse. I was prescribed 25mg of Zoloft and Reglan. Reglan is for the breastmilk production it’s a muscle relaxer that increases prolactin which helps with production. It was also recommended I try Fenugreek as a supplement to the Reglan to help boost as much as possible.

I take both Reglan and Fenugreek four times daily, drink a shit ton of water/coconut water, and drink oatmeal stoudt as well as eat oatmeal. My production looked like this:

IMG_2142I realize this is a much larger container than the next image, but this was about 5 mL.

Now at the end of the week it looks like this:


It’s nothing compared to what I pumped before, but it’s progress. I’d be happy to feed her 3-4oz per day with her bedtime bottle. It’s been a rough week, but I am so happy to see progress! We’ll see if it increases anymore, but I’m not getting my hopes up because once I return to work it’ll probably dip to where it is now anyways.

As for the Zoloft I feel like I don’t feel as terrible, but that could be the result of a bunch of things. Time will tell. I will say I am a bit worried about potentially being pregnant with #2. I have some dark brown bleeding that started on Friday and symptoms that identical to when I found out I was pregnant before. As happy as I would be to have another I am in no way prepared for that. So, to say it’s been a “heavy” week would be an understatement.

IMG_2204Iris Week 10: September 24th, 2017.

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