Monday, August 10, 2020

20 Galactogogues, Nutritional and Lifestyle tips for nursing mothers

Breastmilk is the only food on earth that is personalized and exclusively designed for each species. This is why all mammals have different composition of milk. The composition is designed such by the nature that it suits best growth and development of the young one of the particular species. Animals have a natural sense of what to eat and avoid while they are expecting and feeding their young ones. Remember that human beings are not only intellectual but also spiritual creatures. Being several steps ahead of other species, we are responsible to give the best to our young ones.


Read Carefully – Whatever mother eats, drinks, digests, sees, thinks, feels, prays and imagines are all easily passed on to the foetus during pregnancy and the baby while feeding.

This gives the mother a lot of liberty to customize her breastmilk with best of food components, feelings, prayers and thoughts. Mixing the best of these supplements with breastmilk ensures that the baby grows into a wonderful, healthy human being. Breastfeeding and weaning set the foundation of health for lifetime.

Following are a few Nutritional and Lifestyle tips that can help a new mom:

  1. Ensure adequate fluids in diet. The more water and fluid you have in your diet, the more nutrients get medium to pass on to the baby through BM – Breastmilk. Toxin release and smooth bowel movement are also taken care with sufficient water intake.

  2. Just adequate Calories distributed throughout the day. Divide the calorie rich, carbohydrate foods throughout the day. This will ensure constant BM production and reduce the risk of ‘mommy fat’.

  3. Don’t miss the Minerals and Multivitamins. Calcium, iron, zinc and many other minerals are essential for both, BM composition and prevent osteoporosis later in mother’s life. Supplements and variety of foods, especially green leafy vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and nuts can enrich the diet with essential micronutrients.

  4. Galactogogues. Galactogogues are foods that enhance the production of breastmilk and ease ample secretion for months after childbirth. They are nourishing and warm, improve digestion and detoxify the body. List of galactogogue foods is given below.

  5. Clear the constipation. Constipation can be a very important reason for reduced breast milk production. It reduces the appetite and slows down the digestion, both turning off the cycle of BM production.

  6. Nicotine, alcohol and excessive caffeine: All three are a BIG NO while the mother is breastfeeding the baby, even if it is only once a day. Extremely deleterious effects on baby’s cognitive development are proven time and again. No excuses for these. Until you enjoy mothering, do not mix up these pleasures with it.

  7. Excessive Fibre in diet, cold, refrigerated, reheated foods, leftovers and preserved foods may not be advisable as they cause digestive disorders for both mother and child.

  8. Modify the diet slowly as the baby grows. We traditionally have a very special diet for new mothers which is followed for 2-3 months. However, as the baby grows, include more varieties and make the diet liberal before you start weaning the baby out of BM. This will ensure that the baby is exposed to various food components and is ready to face the change in its food.

  9. Ensure adequate Soft Sunlight for both Mom and baby. This helps good metabolism, immunity build up and absorption of calcium.

  10. Stay cheerful and happy, especially while breastfeeding. Do not suppress or control any natural urges of the body. Ex. sneezing, coughing, hunger, excretion or urination. The baby can wait for a few seconds or minutes while you are relieved. Start feeding only after you are done. Relaxed mind are body are of utmost importance.

List of Galactogogues:

  1. Ghee

  2. Jaggery

  3. Edible gum

  4. Black pepper

  5. Kharek/ Dried dates

  6. Dried coconut

  7. Saunth/ Ginger dried

  8. Ginger – fresh

  9. Ganthoda/Long pepper Root

  10. Turmeric

  11. Suva/Dill seeds

  12. Methi/ Fenugreek seeds and leaves

  13. Saunf/Fennel seeds

  14. Shatavari

  15. Cinnamon

  16. Jeera/Cumin seeds

  17. Garlic

  18. Nutmeg

  19. Pepper

  20. Mace


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