Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello All

This is my first post here, and it’s about something potentially strange… and that is, inducing lactation. Here’s a little background on me and my journey:

A few years ago, I discovered the idea of adult breastfeeding, and it intrigued me. Almost immediately, it became a fantasy of mine to make my own milk and someday share it with a partner. Unfortunately at the time, I did not have anyone willing/interested in helping me manifest this little fantasy into reality. But not having anyone to share it with didn’t stop me from trying to induce lactation myself…

I loved the idea of my breasts having a purpose. I intend to never have children (pregnancy freaks me out and I have always disliked kids), so that route of getting milk was immediately out. But research led me to many different ways to induce lactation and raise/support milk supply. There was so much information on the internet that I decided to just jump right in and try a bit of everything to see what would work for me.

I started trying to induce about 2 years ago, when I was 18. I settled on regularly doing breast massage, nipple stimulation, and eating oatmeal every day, because those were the things I could easily fit into my life at the time. I would “play” with my breasts and nipples 3-4 times a day on average, because that is what I could easily manage. Within about the first week I did notice some breast changes, such as them feeling heavier, slightly swollen, and softer after stimulating them. My nipples went through a phase where they were incredibly sore, but after 4-6 weeks they toughened up pretty well and I never got any discomfort from them again. Around 2 months after beginning this endeavor, I was at the point where my breasts would feel very uncomfortable if I wasn’t getting regular stimulation. If I skipped my morning session, by the afternoon my breasts would be aching and throbbing, which was very distracting and not much fun. During each session, I could easily squeeze a few drops of fluid from each breast, and any stimulation at all was a relief.

Unfortunately, after a few months of this, life got in the way of my goal and I was forced to slow down with the whole process. Stress made me too tired, or not in the mood to stimulate my nipples. I would massage my breasts just enough to make them stop aching. I stopped being able to focus on relaxing and achieving the let-down feeling, so I was never really able to progress past getting those few little drops of fluid.

Over the past few years, I have continued to halfheartedly maintain the process. I have been playing with my nipples sometimes every other day, sometimes multiple times a day, and sometimes only a few times per week. I have still wanted to induce lactation, but with everything else going on in my life, it wasn’t enough of a priority to do it with such gusto as I had when I first started.

That is, until recently.

This may just be my perspective, but I always looked at adult breastfeeding as somewhat of an odd obsession/fetish. Because of this, I NEVER truly expected that I would be able to share it with someone.

But, I have been dating someone for a few months now, and guess what he brought up a few weeks ago? That’s right…. he mentioned how much he would like to drink my milk. I was very surprised, but of course also excited. Cautiously and without getting my hopes up much, I asked if he was serious and it turns out he was. We had a nice little moment connecting over how amazing it was that we found another person interested in the same exact thing.

And so now, here I am with my goal renewed, and even better, someone to take the journey with me! So inducing lactation has been bumped up quite a bit on my list of priorities. I am intending to keep this blog to talk about how it all goes. Hopefully this will end up being another source of information for people interested in the same thing, because if anyone else has had the same experience as me, then you also know that there are not many detailed timelines/blogs about the topic of inducing lactation for a partner. And I am hoping to add to that!

Anyway, that’s all for now. My next post will be about the things I am actually currently doing to get this all going, which will hopefully be up very soon.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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