Thursday, August 20, 2015

Life's pretty straight without twisties

I’m not ashamed to admit that I LOVE food, in all forms. I have never been known as someone who says no to indulging in tasty treats for fear of an expanding waistline because I’ve always had a healthy respect for food and don’t go too overboard simply because it doesn’t make my insides feel crash hot. We’ve all heard parents threatening their kids with the old ‘don’t eat too many lollies or you’ll get a sore tummy’, well, I was the kid with a sore tummy after gorging on sugary delights. I’ve also had a history with food intolerances and have had an on again off again relationship with wheat and gluten.

I’m not saying I’m an angel who eats mostly kale every day and snacks on an occasional piece of dark chocolate – far from it! I clearly remember being in the throes of labour being hand fed cheese twisties by my mother. “Twistie me up!” was the catch phrase that got me from 8-10 centremetres and brought my daughter into the world.

Flashback to approximately 11pm on the 1st of August 2014 and there I was, baby precariously balanced on a forearm, hospital table barely close enough to reach, on the worlds craziest adrenalin rush knowing I needed to eat but not feeling hungry. The  ‘essential’ nutritional choices I’d decided on just after I’d pushed my daughter out from my unmentionables were: bananas, gluten free bread, peanut butter, Lebanese cucumbers, party mix lollies and of course – a few remaining cheese twisties. Little did I know that I was already making the wrong choices for my food intolerant baby.

In the coming weeks I googled countless images of green ‘stools’ (surely stools would bring up more credible information than ‘poo’… right?) and sought the guidance of a private lactation consultant as I struggled with breastfeeding. That’s when my relationship with food began to take a dramatic turn and before I knew it I was eating chicken and lettuce and not much else.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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