Thursday, January 21, 2016

Top 5 Ways to Help Your Partner "Pump Positive"

partners and pumping
I will be honest.  When I heard that not one but THREE husbands/partners were going to be attending my most recent workshop Back to Basics: Creating a Positive Pumping Routine, I was… well, for lack of a better word… PUMPED!
I figured even if all they were there to do was to bounce babies in between feedings and giggle awkwardly as I rhapsodized about nipples, areola, and breast massages that this was still a BIG win.  These were supportive partners and I cannot say enough about the importance of having a supportive partner if you are working towards a successful and long lasting breastfeeding relationship.  They all got gold stars in my books just for showing up!
The day arrived and everyone piled into this great little consignment shop in beautiful downtown Cobourg, ON called Mom 2 Mom Boutique & Consignment so we could talk about pump mechanics, routine, and the wonderful world of hormones and lactation.  The moms were great.  The babies were a-freaking-dorable.  The dads were… AWESOME!!! These guys were not just here to bounce babies.  These guys were listening, learning, and asking questions.

Be still my daddy-lovin’ heart!

At the end of the workshop, I asked if anyone had any last questions as I always do and one dad half-asked & half-wondered (and I am paraphrasing – sorry awesome Dad who was likely more to the point than this!): “So, I guess as far as pumping goes there isn’t much WE can do to help, then?”

Ummmm… Woops!?  Doula Fail.  Did I leave that part out?

Sorry, Dads!  You see, I am not used to having you in my workshops and so I kind of forgot to include YOU and all the amazing things you can do to help your partner pump positive.  That is what this post is all about, after all!  Please accept this carefully crafted infographic as a token of my esteem – a virtual *props* for being the awesome, supportive, involved, and caring men that you are.

partner pumping support infographic

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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