Wednesday, June 22, 2016

This one is for all the new MOMMIES out there!

One can either be completely elated or quite dreaded by the thought of motherhood. As new as the baby is to the world, so is the new first-time mother. A new baby means a lot of commitment, dedication, courage, and endless love among the many things. Along with endless love, it is also an endless string of the 3P’s, pee, poop and puke and stretches of sleepless nights.

After the baby comes, the mother lays in a whirlpool of responsibilities, fears, emotions and above all, a lot of love. The mommy also has a lot of new things to learn. From changing diapers to breastfeeding, mommy dear has to go through a whole lot of change. The body changes drastically, it becomes very difficult to come to terms with the new body and sometimes it becomes overwhelming for the first-time mothers. Messy hair, spill ups, dirty floors, soiled clothes and the pee-poop smell becomes a regular affair. The mum has no time to take care of herself either. If there is no help available then it could be really nerve wrecking for the new parent.

But amidst the chaos, when the baby clutches onto the mother’s finger and acknowledges the unconditional bond, and cuddles close to her, all the mess and efforts looks worth it. Breastfeeding is one of the greatest challenges for a mother after the baby comes. For a first time mother, it takes a lot of patience for both the baby and the mommy to get used to the process. It is not easy. The baby demands to be fed very frequently and it can be really tiresome for the mother. Sometimes it takes a few days time to get the position right. It also happens that the baby is unable to understand how to take the feed and on some occasions there could be a shortage of milk production. There are a few natural ways to improve lactation.One such miracle for the mommies is Black seed or Kalonji. Nigella sativa or kalonji stimulates prolactin via anticholinergic and antihistaminic actions. Prolactin also known as the luteotropic hormone, is a protein, that in humans is best known for its role in enabling the production milk. Kalonji also contains high amounts of carbohydrates, oils, proteins and trace elements representing a high energy source thereby promoting the galactagogue effect. Black seed also contains the amino acid Arginine which is essential for infant growth. Traditionally kalonji has been in use for a very long time for promotion of  lactation.

For the lactating mothers, a mixture of black seeds and honey can be made to consume orally. Good quality cold pressed Kalonji oil can also be taken by the lactating mothers. So, all the new mommies out there, what are you waiting for? Have a good time feeding your baby as these days are very precious. Enjoy your motherhood and Kalonjiphy your life.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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