Monday, October 31, 2016

A New Death Toll for Smoking


Weathering a Zika Storm in Colombia


Should We Be Scared of Butter?

Should We Be Scared of Butter?
Is butter, along with other sources of saturated fats, back on the table, as many have recently claimed?

October 31, 2016 at 07:13PM
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The High Costs Of Not Offering Paid Sick Leave

The High Costs Of Not Offering Paid Sick Leave
According to one estimate, an additional seven million people contracted the H1N1 flu virus in 2009 because employees came to work while infected. The illnesses led to 1,500 additional deaths.

October 31, 2016 at 05:48PM
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Setting-Up for Halloween

Happy Halloween! As you know, Halloween is among my favorite occasions - did you see my costumes on my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48? Tell me what you think of them [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Sunday, October 30, 2016

W. Dudley Johnson, Heart Bypass Surgery Pioneer, Dies at 86

By SAM ROBERTS from NYT Health

Check Out Whats Happening in Week 29 of My Pregnancy!

This pregnancy is flying by so fast! I only have a couple months until we get to meet this little man! I still have a lot I need to do to prepare for his arrival, and I am super excited!

For symptoms this week I have noticed an increase in Braxton hicks contractions and a lot more pain after laying down for a long period of time. I’ve started wearing my belly band for added support because it hurts my back to even walk around or bend over.

At my doctors visit this week, the baby measured at “28 weeks” which the doctor said was normal. She surprised me with a tdap vaccine and the dreaded hour long glucose test! I am super excited because she gave me the hospital paper work as well as some info on recording, picture taking, and what to bring to the hospital! I will be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks from now on. She also wanted me to start doing a kick counter to make sure baby Declan is moving okay in there.

I feel like this pregnancy is going by so quickly! I only have a couple short months left! I hope to have my baby shower soon, get moved, pack our bags and tour the hospital very soon! We decided that we wouldn’t be doing birthing classes this time around but I do want to see a lactation consultant beforehand.

Thanks for reading my update! Hopefully we will have visited the hospital by next weeks update and get the paperwork going on baby’s birth certificate!


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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Got Milk?

Got Milk?

We are at the dawn of a new era in human food production: the products will be healthful, locally sourced, and will lead to employment opportunities for thousands, possibly millions. I refer, naturally, to the wholesome goodness of human dairy.

At this time the problem is not demand, but supply. Human milk banks are too few and far between, there simply isn’t enough to go around for this nascent industry to grow to its full potential. We need more people producing and selling their milk to solve the supply problem, as lactation is not just the domain of women, men can get in on the act too through the stimulation of prolactin secretion by way of mammary pumping and/or suckling.

Although human dairy is not likely to receive subsides à la the animal dairy industry, which has long been in the bosom of big government, a number of experimental creameries are in the process of being setup across the nation. Therefore, those of you eager to taste rich, creamy human produce, such as butter, yogurt, cheese, even ice cream and custard, or keen to sell your own fresh squeezed milk, be sure to keep yourselves abreast.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

2016 American Made Summit Food

Year after year, our specialty purveyors offer their time and talents - creating intriguing, inventive, delicious, and portable foods for our Martha Stewart American Made Summit. It’s important [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Friday, October 28, 2016

First Baby in Puerto Rico With Zika-Related Microcephaly Born

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Medicaid Finds Opportune Time to Offer Birth Control: Right After Birth


Americans Are Dying Faster. Millennials, Too

Americans Are Dying Faster. Millennials, Too
People who predict death for a living have some bad news.

October 28, 2016 at 10:27AM
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Does the Flu Provide Better Immunity Than a Flu Shot?


2016 American Made Speakers and Facebook LIVE

Our special fifth annual American Made Summit continues to inform and inspire small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs across the country. Hundreds attended this year’s event. And, a [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sugar Pill Beats Two Drugs in Migraine Trial for Children


Dr. Death

Dr. Death
Plano surgeon Christopher Duntsch left a trail of bodies. The shocking story of a madman with a scalpel.

October 27, 2016 at 04:26PM
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Organization for the Unorganized Mommy

If you ask anyone that is close to me you would quickly find out I am not the most organized person. In fact I am a procrastinator at heart and quite lazy! ;) Since I started Blogging I have quickly realized this is not the way I want to be anymore, and I want to make a real life change! It’s a work in progress and I am going to really try to stick to this lifestyle change but so far it has been for the better. I want to share with all you hot mess mommies like myself a few things I have done to ease myself into a more motivated and organized lifestyle.

This week I decided to take a step back and focus on getting a schedule in order, from blog scheduling, guest post scheduling, promoting, along with all my household duties, and doing actual things in my actual real life, I have become overwhelmed and quite busy! I’m sure this is the norm for more seasoned bloggers and work at home moms, but incase you are thinking about taking the plunge into adding on extra activities, a job, a blog, etc. These are a few things I have done that actually help me.

  1. GET A PLANNER!! I am a very visual person and it immediately makes me feel better to be able to open up my planner and see a spread of my month laid out before me. I personally prefer a monthly/weekly combo planner because I find it less time consuming to be able to write everything out for the month or week and refer back to it throughout. I don’t like writing a daily plan because as most of you busy moms know, things dont always go as planned each and everyday so it works best for me to simply have a monthly/weekly guideline.
  2. CREATE A SPACE FOR YOURSELF!! This is very important to me because I feel the most overwhelmed when I don’t have a place to sit down and do my work, or just have a place to go that I can relax and take some of the anxiety edge off! I recently reorganized my vanity into a desk so that I don’t have to do things on my bed or in the living room with the TV and a screaming toddler.
  3. SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING!! This tool has helped me so much be able to participate in social media for my blog while still spend time with my family. This may not apply to every mom out there but it is especially helpful if you work from home doing direct sales or blogging.  After starting my facebook page I learned about the scheduling feature which is super awesome! I am able to schedule out posts for as long in advance as I would like with anything from sharing links, vids, my blog posts, etc. Sure I still participate on real time every now and then but its one less stress if I don’t have to! I also write out multiple blog posts at the beginning of each week and schedule them out throughout the week as well! This saves me so much time its crazy, I also have my blog posts automatically set to share on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. A lot of people find this kind of thing to be unauthentic but I have to say it is very necessary if you want to live real life while also blogging or working from home.
  4. LISTS, LISTS, AND MORE LISTS!! Although I don’t write out a plan for each day I do create plenty of to-do lists and just lists in general for everything! Each day I decide how many things I am going to do on my list, not committing to anything specific then at the day I usually check off what I did and surprise myself  with what I am able to accomplish. This is like a fun treat for me at the end of the day too and allows me to go to bed feeling accomplished.
  5. WORK AROUND YOUR CHILD’S SCHEDULE!! If you’re a mom of little ones like myself then you probably already know they pretty much run the show when it comes to you getting stuff done. My advice is to just embrace it and work around it as best as you can. That is why I strongly agree with not writing out a “daily schedule” at least not one that includes you getting all your work done! I have found that the best times for me to get things done are nap time (a good 2-3 hours) this is usually when I shower, clean the house, and do some face-booking; early morning (when Braydon is occupied with his morning cartoons or playing) this is usually when I plan our meals, engage in more social media, do laundry, and send out emails; after Braydon is put to bed (his bed time is 8:00pm so this gives me several hours in the evening) this is usually when I do most blog writing, respond to emails, write out my lists, go over all my to-do’s and spend time with Daniel.

I hope this helps you to make a few changes in becoming more organized and motivated. These changes are small and I don’t do all of this every single day but it is becoming more and more consistent and is helping me quite a bit! Share some of your scheduling and organizing tips in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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The Cure for UTIs? It’s Not Cranberries

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

The Reason One Nostril Gets Clogged While The Other Runs Is Because Your Nose Is Kinda Like A Penis

The Reason One Nostril Gets Clogged While The Other Runs Is Because Your Nose Is Kinda Like A Penis
Erectile tissue is found in three places on humans — the penis, the clitoris, and the nose.

October 27, 2016 at 11:43AM
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2016 American Made Summit Entrepreneurs and Makers

I was so proud to host this year’s 2016 American Made Awards and Summit. Our special fifth anniversary event was held at our headquarters in the historic Starrett [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

The Iconoclast

The Iconoclast
Jim Allison has always gone his own way — as a small-town-Texas kid who preferred books to football, and as a young scientist who believed the immune system could treat tumors when few others did. And that irreverence led him to find a potential cure for cancer.

October 27, 2016 at 03:51AM
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Lactating Christ

christIn his book, Tradition and Imagination: Revelation and Change, David Brown spends time exploring the paths and patterns of sacred art and the ways that theologies of Jesus Christ and artistic portrayals of him mutually inform one another. The ideas shape the art, and the artwork shapes the interpretation and ideas. He briefly mentioned that in medieval depictions, the wound in Christ’s side was portrayed as though it were a lactating breast. Science of the time understood breastmilk and other bodily fluids to be none other than transmuted blood, and so the words of institution for the Lord’s Supper, instructing disciples to consume wine as blood, were reasonably associated with food created by the human body, breast milk. This image is largely absent from contemporary Christian imagination, as medical advancement in the Renaissance and concern with the particularity of Jesus’ maleness replaced this image and obscured the tradition’s openness to a non-binary Christ.

What have we missed by losing this image?

I have thought many times over the last year of nourishing my son—first through my placenta and now with breast milk—how much deeper and differently I understand the Eucharist. Jesus said, “Take, eat. This is my body, broken and given for you. Those who eat my flesh abide in me and I in them.”
In the small replication of humanity, I am living these things with S. every few hours, with a depth of exhaustion and joy. I am physically and spiritually draining myself. I nourish him with a self-emptying that is profoundly satisfying.


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Patient Zero in HIV crisis was misidentified, study says

Patient Zero in HIV crisis was misidentified, study says
The work, detailed in a study released Wednesday, discounts the long-held notion that a French-Canadian flight attendant, whose story was highlighted in the seminal book “And the Band Played On,” brought the virus to the United States.

October 26, 2016 at 06:38PM
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Dr. Orange: The Secret Nemesis of Sick Vets

Dr. Orange: The Secret Nemesis of Sick Vets
For decades, the military and the VA have repeatedly turned to one man to guide decisions on whether Agent Orange harmed vets in Vietnam and elsewhere. His reliable answer: No.

October 26, 2016 at 05:37PM
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H.I.V. Arrived in the U.S. Long Before ‘Patient Zero’

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Nom Nom Mommies: Lactation Cookies

Baby B. is here, which means another breastfeeding journey has begun. She was born hungry and her appetite hasn’t slowed down since, leaving me struggling to keep up with her. During the first 6 weeks, as much of a literal pain as it is, cluster feeding is quite normal. It’s baby’s way of “putting their order in”, their way of saying “Hey boobies, you work for me now”. That’s not to say that it’s easy (especially with a toddler running around), but it’s to be expected.

I’ve noticed that it’s a million times harder to eat enough calories and keep hydrated, when you have two babes to cater to, which is why it’s so so important for me to have supply boosting snacks handy. Lactation cookies are my go to, and one of my favorite things about breastfeeding. It’s basically, a completely valid excuse to munch on cookies all day…cookies that I’m not required to share (but usually end up doing anyway). I’ve tried a lot of recipes and tweaked them here and there to get the flavor/results I wanted, so I thought I’d share the “formula” for my latest batch.

WARNING – This is not calorie conscious, low fat, weight friendly, or going to help you fit into your prepregnancy skinny jeans. 

  • 3 cups steel cut/old fashioned oats
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 & 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 cup crushed almonds
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons brewer’s yeast
  • 2 tablespoons nutella
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 350

  1. Mix together 4 tablespoons of water and flaxseed, and set aside for about 5 minutes
  2. Beat butter, coconut oil, and brown sugar together, adding one egg at a time, until creamy
  3. Add flaxseed mixture, vanilla, and nutella to butter mixture, and beat well
  4. Add all the dry ingredients except oats and almonds, and mix well
  5. Now you can add the oats and almonds
  6. Wash your hands (obviously, unless you like germs) and roll dough into small balls, placing them about  inch apart on cookie sheet
  7. Bake for 9-12 minutes


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

We finally have an “artificial pancreas” for diabetics. But it's a letdown.

We finally have an “artificial pancreas” for diabetics. But it's a letdown.
Like most consumer tech, the Minimed 670G was slightly overhyped. The consequences of overhyping an insulin pump, though, are a little more severe.

October 26, 2016 at 02:39PM
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Don’t Drink Hand Sanitizer

Don’t Drink Hand Sanitizer
Yes, it's more potent that most alcoholic drinks, and yes, people abuse it.

October 26, 2016 at 01:44PM
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In Defense of Sugar

In Defense of Sugar
A culinary scientist on all of the amazing things sugar does in your food.

October 26, 2016 at 08:32AM
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2016 American Made Awards Cocktail Party

Our fifth annual American Made Awards and Summit celebrating entrepreneurial spirit kicked off with a spectacular cocktail party atop New York City’s One World Trade Center building. Last [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
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Why Aren't HIV Prevention Pills Going to the People Who Need Them?

Why Aren't HIV Prevention Pills Going to the People Who Need Them?
Truvada, an effective antiretroviral, emerged as an HIV preventative 4 years ago. A recent study paints a familiar picture — communities at risk don't have the access to it they deserve.

October 26, 2016 at 04:12AM
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Unicef Cuts Cost of Vaccine That Protects Against 5 Diseases

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

The Other Sister

The Other Sister
As many as 700,000 adults in the US with a disability like autism live with parents or another family member who’s at least 60 years old. What happens when those caregivers are gone? One sibling confronts her past and likely future.

October 25, 2016 at 11:03PM
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The Atheist In AA Fighting To Get 'God' Taken Out Of The 12 Steps

The Atheist In AA Fighting To Get 'God' Taken Out Of The 12 Steps
The GTA Intergroup, a central organizing hub for AA groups in Toronto, has essentially kicked out all atheist groups who have changed traditional AA language by taking out the word "God" from the Twelve Steps.

October 25, 2016 at 10:03PM
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Silicon Valley Is Coming for Your Lunch

Silicon Valley Is Coming for Your Lunch
How we eat is already being "disrupted" by tech in various ways. A new service is looking recommend meals and deliver you food... after they analyze your DNA.

October 25, 2016 at 07:03PM
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Try It Tuesday

try it tuesday new



Y’all, this smelled AWESOME. It was like I was cooking hot cocoa! The next morning, I awoke to this:


Yeah, it did not look appetizing. I scraped off the top and the under part actually looked okay! I plopped some peanut butter on top and decided to try it.


It was…alright. It was pretty bland, TBH. I ate a serving of it and it was pretty filling, though not very tasty.

Have you ever tried this recipe? Or a recipe close to it? What were your results? Share in the comments below!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Labor and Deliver Story: Baby Braydon

It was 4:00am January 24th 2014, exactly one week before my due date (February 1st). I got up for one of my many frequent trips to the bathroom and as I had finished up and went back to bed, I noticed I was still leaking fluid. I thought I might have peed a little, but as I got back up and out of the bed to go check a huge rush of water came pooring out. The only way I can describe it is a sense of warm liquid and pressure, a continuous flow.

I woke Braydon’s dad to tell him it was time, my contractions had not yet started. We first called my aunt to tell her what was going on and then Jake’s (Braydon’s dad) sister. We called the maternity ward at my local hospital and they suggested we come in right away instead of waiting for my contractions to start since it sounded like my water had fully broken.

Jake’s sister picked us up and we headed to the hospital! I started having mild contractions in the car on the way there and they steadily increased from there. When we checked in, it was nice to see that we were the only ones there. Our hospital was super small and I was the only mommy admitted at the time. Since it was Flu season the nurses informed us that who ever was accompanying us in the delivery room would be our only visitors allowed while we were there. I chose to have Jake, my mom, my sister, and Jake’s mom in the delivery room.

My birth plan was set up to be a “lets see how it goes” kind of thing. I didn’t want to commit to a fully natural or medicated birth, I just wanted to see what my body needed. As my contractions progresses I walked around the hospital a couple times, used a yoga ball, and tried the Jacuzzi tub to labor in. The tub I felt made my contractions way worse and I didn’t stay in there very long. At 7cm I asked for the epidural, and it only worked on one side of my body until they came in to fix it.

Around 1:30pm it was time to push! I don’t recall the specific number of pushes it took but he arrived at 1:59pm so about a half hour of pushing and my baby boy was here! They placed him on my chest right away as Jake cut the cord and I had my skin to skin with him. I can’t tell you what I was thinking or feeling other then full attention on him and an overwhelming sense of happiness. My little man weight 6lbs and 14oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. I was able to breast feed him in the hospital which was super awesome and the nurse was aggressive but super helpful.

I had to have stitches as Braydon’s elbow tore me up towards the front. I don’t recall the stitches as I was too busy admiring my baby at the time. I remember being in such a focused state throughout my pregnancy that I honestly didn’t pay attention to anyone or anything. I really couldn’t tell you what the other people in the room were saying or doing. After I had fed baby and had substantial skin to skin with him, Jake gave him his first bath! The hospital staff were so caring and helpful, I will only go to a small hospital for future births!

We stayed two nights in the hospital and then took our sweet baby home. Before we left the hospital provided us with a celebratory breakfast that included mimosas, Belgium waffles,  and fruit! It was probably the most significant experience I have ever had and I can’t wait to do it all over again with baby number two this January! (Yes, thats right two January babies!)


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Hospitals are refusing to sell sugary drinks, drawing grumbles

Hospitals are refusing to sell sugary drinks, drawing grumbles
One anesthesia technician: “Why did we throw the tea into the harbor for freedom?”

October 25, 2016 at 11:39AM
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Global health check (infographic)

Global health check (infographic)
This interactive shows how global health has progressed since the year you were born, from life expectancy to infant mortality to major medical breakthroughs.

October 25, 2016 at 10:43AM
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Chronic patients say the crackdown on opioids means they're now treated like addicts

Chronic patients say the crackdown on opioids means they're now treated like addicts
The crackdown on opioids has left patients suffering with chronic pain and stigmatized.

October 25, 2016 at 09:44AM
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Setting-Up for Our 2016 American Made Summit

Another spectacular American Made Summit is in “our books”. This weekend, I hosted our fifth annual Martha Stewart American Made event in the clerestory of our headquarters at [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Monday, October 24, 2016

Obamacare premiums to soar 22%

Obamacare premiums to soar 22%
Premiums for the Affordable Care Act are set to skyrocket an average of 22% for the benchmark silver plan in 2017, according to a government report released Monday. Fortunately, subsidies are also supposed to rise.

October 24, 2016 at 08:49PM
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CMV Is a Greater Threat to Infants Than Zika, but Far Less Often Discussed


Cracking the Cranial Vault: What It Feels Like to Perform Brain Surgery

Cracking the Cranial Vault: What It Feels Like to Perform Brain Surgery
The cold pins in her warm flesh were a reminder of how invasive things were going to get. Under anesthesia, she would feel nothing and remember nothing. I, on the other hand, was completely sentient and completely in the moment — both excited and afraid.

October 24, 2016 at 01:38PM
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John Oliver Tackles America's Disastrous Opioid Epidemic

John Oliver Tackles America's Disastrous Opioid Epidemic
More likely than not, you know someone struggling with a painkiller or heroin addiction. John Oliver explores how America got to this point and asks where we should go from here.

October 24, 2016 at 08:42AM
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Fall Harvest Party Decorating on Facebook

I always have so much fun placing Halloween and autumn decorations around my home. Throughout the years, I’ve acquired many wonderful props to use around my house during [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Malibu Juice Magnate

The Malibu Juice Magnate
Today Khalil Rafati — owner of LA's SunLife Organics — is 46. But he shouldn’t be. In fact, he should be dead.

October 23, 2016 at 06:28PM
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The First Fentanyl Addict

The First Fentanyl Addict
What the general public is oblivious to — but the medical community knows — is how fentanyl addiction took its roots in anesthesiology before it made its way into the mainstream.

October 23, 2016 at 03:27PM
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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Agony, Alarm and Anger for People Hurt by Theranos’s Botched Blood Tests

Agony, Alarm and Anger for People Hurt by Theranos’s Botched Blood Tests
Blood-test results caused alarm and prompted changes in treatment; some patients weren’t told for months about unreliable results.

October 22, 2016 at 08:26AM
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Last-Minute Halloween Decorating on Facebook

Are you ready for Halloween? It’s no secret Halloween is among my favorite of holidays. I just love decorating my home with all the ghosts, goblins, skeletons, and [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
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Friday, October 21, 2016

Small Island, Big Experiment

Small Island, Big Experiment
How a tiny Florida community could influence the way we fight Zika around the world.

October 21, 2016 at 03:52PM
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How The Wim Hof Breathing Method Will Train Your Body To Resist Pain And Anxiety

How The Wim Hof Breathing Method Will Train Your Body To Resist Pain And Anxiety
Through a combination of breathing, simple exercise, and yoga, you can train your body to defeat pain and improve both your mental and physical health.

October 21, 2016 at 03:18PM
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Rosemary and Time: Does This Italian Hamlet Have a Recipe for Long Life?

Rosemary and Time: Does This Italian Hamlet Have a Recipe for Long Life?
Researchers believe food choices and environmental factors could help explain exceptional longevity among the inhabitants of Acciaroli, Italy.

October 21, 2016 at 11:35AM
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The VSED Exit: A Way to Speed Up Dying, Without Asking Permission

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

Can a Child Drink Too Much Milk?


A Book Signing at Costco in Norwalk, Connecticut

My latest book, “Martha Stewart’s Vegetables” is an indispensable resource for selecting, storing, preparing, and cooking from the garden and the market. The 150 recipes, many of which [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump Said Women Get Abortions Days Before Birth. Doctors Say They Don’t.

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

One Gene Mutation Links Three Mysterious, Debilitating Diseases

One Gene Mutation Links Three Mysterious, Debilitating Diseases
"On a good day, my shoulders, knees and hips will dislocate two to five times apiece. The slightest bump into a table or door will bloom new bruises on my arms and legs or tear a gash in the thin skin on my hands."

October 20, 2016 at 12:42PM
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