Thursday, October 27, 2016

Organization for the Unorganized Mommy

If you ask anyone that is close to me you would quickly find out I am not the most organized person. In fact I am a procrastinator at heart and quite lazy! ;) Since I started Blogging I have quickly realized this is not the way I want to be anymore, and I want to make a real life change! It’s a work in progress and I am going to really try to stick to this lifestyle change but so far it has been for the better. I want to share with all you hot mess mommies like myself a few things I have done to ease myself into a more motivated and organized lifestyle.

This week I decided to take a step back and focus on getting a schedule in order, from blog scheduling, guest post scheduling, promoting, along with all my household duties, and doing actual things in my actual real life, I have become overwhelmed and quite busy! I’m sure this is the norm for more seasoned bloggers and work at home moms, but incase you are thinking about taking the plunge into adding on extra activities, a job, a blog, etc. These are a few things I have done that actually help me.

  1. GET A PLANNER!! I am a very visual person and it immediately makes me feel better to be able to open up my planner and see a spread of my month laid out before me. I personally prefer a monthly/weekly combo planner because I find it less time consuming to be able to write everything out for the month or week and refer back to it throughout. I don’t like writing a daily plan because as most of you busy moms know, things dont always go as planned each and everyday so it works best for me to simply have a monthly/weekly guideline.
  2. CREATE A SPACE FOR YOURSELF!! This is very important to me because I feel the most overwhelmed when I don’t have a place to sit down and do my work, or just have a place to go that I can relax and take some of the anxiety edge off! I recently reorganized my vanity into a desk so that I don’t have to do things on my bed or in the living room with the TV and a screaming toddler.
  3. SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING!! This tool has helped me so much be able to participate in social media for my blog while still spend time with my family. This may not apply to every mom out there but it is especially helpful if you work from home doing direct sales or blogging.  After starting my facebook page I learned about the scheduling feature which is super awesome! I am able to schedule out posts for as long in advance as I would like with anything from sharing links, vids, my blog posts, etc. Sure I still participate on real time every now and then but its one less stress if I don’t have to! I also write out multiple blog posts at the beginning of each week and schedule them out throughout the week as well! This saves me so much time its crazy, I also have my blog posts automatically set to share on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. A lot of people find this kind of thing to be unauthentic but I have to say it is very necessary if you want to live real life while also blogging or working from home.
  4. LISTS, LISTS, AND MORE LISTS!! Although I don’t write out a plan for each day I do create plenty of to-do lists and just lists in general for everything! Each day I decide how many things I am going to do on my list, not committing to anything specific then at the day I usually check off what I did and surprise myself  with what I am able to accomplish. This is like a fun treat for me at the end of the day too and allows me to go to bed feeling accomplished.
  5. WORK AROUND YOUR CHILD’S SCHEDULE!! If you’re a mom of little ones like myself then you probably already know they pretty much run the show when it comes to you getting stuff done. My advice is to just embrace it and work around it as best as you can. That is why I strongly agree with not writing out a “daily schedule” at least not one that includes you getting all your work done! I have found that the best times for me to get things done are nap time (a good 2-3 hours) this is usually when I shower, clean the house, and do some face-booking; early morning (when Braydon is occupied with his morning cartoons or playing) this is usually when I plan our meals, engage in more social media, do laundry, and send out emails; after Braydon is put to bed (his bed time is 8:00pm so this gives me several hours in the evening) this is usually when I do most blog writing, respond to emails, write out my lists, go over all my to-do’s and spend time with Daniel.

I hope this helps you to make a few changes in becoming more organized and motivated. These changes are small and I don’t do all of this every single day but it is becoming more and more consistent and is helping me quite a bit! Share some of your scheduling and organizing tips in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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