Thursday, May 28, 2020

How will I know if my newborn is getting enough milk?

Breastfeeding is such a beautiful process that’s shared by mom and her child. But sometimes, it’s also a source of anxiety especially for first time mothers. Most often question is how to know if they’re getting enough milk.

During the early weeks of life, your newborn needs just small amounts of milk from your breasts. And that’s also enough time for your body to start producing milk for your child’s needs. If your baby has a good latch and position, you’ll know if they’re getting enough milk by the ff:

POOP is 3-4 or more times every 24hrs. But also note that healthy breastfed babies may also poop not as often even as long as just 1x a week.
PEE is 5 or more wet diapers every 24 hrs (this is a better indicator than poop)
• average WEIGHT GAIN is 5-7oz/wk or 100-200g/wk (but remember that your baby can lose 10% of their birth weight during the first week of life. They’ll gain it right back on the next few weeks)
baby is CONTENT between feedings – this one is hard to put into numbers and only the mom/dad can know for sure. Just imagine yourself in a food coma after one satisfying buffet meal. Haha.

So don’t you fret, mommies! Be patient with your bodies. If you’re having trouble breastfeeding you can consult with your pediatrician and/or lactation consultant. Joining breastfeeding support groups also help! Moms supporting other moms is helpful because you’re not alone in this journey!

Check out these FB groups for breastfeeding moms!

Breastfeeding Pinays

Breastfeeding Moms Support Group Philippines

Pinay Preggy & Breastfeeding Mommies

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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