Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A (Very Belated) Progress Update #3

This progress update is a couple days late, and I’ll hope you’ll forgive me for that cause it’s pretty juicy!

First let’s talk about pumping! I’ve been pumping a LOT. Often I’ll pump 6+ times a day, and it’s finally starting to show! I produce more than an ounce a day now (at only 6 weeks of pumping) and it appears to be steadily increasing. I could not be more excited to see my volume increasing. I think my daily oatmeal is really helping. Late last week I tried getting up for a 2 AM pumping and it was such a fiasco I’ve decided not to worry about night time pumping sessions for the time being. My spouse and I live in a VERY TINY house (530sq ft if you’re curious) and it’s mostly one large room, so getting up and pumping without waking my spouse was a feat in an of itself. (I managed though!) But then I couldn’t get back to sleep after sitting up to pump for 30 minutes and scrolling the internet. So, I laid awake staring at the ceiling for hours. I was so spent the next day it was just awful. I do still wonder if getting up to pump in the night could be worth it, but I just don’t know if I’ll be able to swing that anytime in the near future. I think if you are someone who has a spouse or partner you live with who is helping you induce through suckling that getting up for a 2 AM suckling session could be much easier and you would probably go back to sleep easier than getting up to pump at 2 AM.

Now lets talk about my breasts. They’re still getting larger, and every couple days I take a picture to compare and track my progress. At this point the increase in size is more that I am filling out in the upper part of my breasts near my chest wall and my nipples have gotten slightly larger. It’s very exciting to still be seeing changes like this because it tells me my hard work is paying off. Speaking of my hard work paying off, I’ve also started leaking. I don’t leak a lot, just a drop or two here or there, but it’s happening more and more. I get cold, I leak. Too warm? I leak. Turned on? Leaking. Brush up against something? Leak. I think I’m on the edge of another big volume increase and that’s why I’m leaking so much this week. Either that or it’s just been a real exciting few days…

Which leads me to my final update for this week: I told my best friend that I’m into ANR!

Yep, I took the plunge and just went for it. She’s been my best friend for a decade and I pretty much share everything with her, so it felt really weird and alienating to not be able to mention ANR in our conversations. I was absolutely terrified. I mean, I’ve met people whose long time spouses have DIVORCED THEM because they wanted an ANR, so I was really afraid she’d shun me or think I was weird. Boy was I wrong! No only had she heard of ANR before but she admitted to me that a couple years ago she was fascinated by it and had read up on a lot of the ANR subreddit about it. She is so chill! How did I get so lucky? Not only did I tell my best friend about my kink, but she doesn’t think I’m a freak for having it and is fascinated by it?! Honestly I’m still a little bit in shock.

Anyway, that’s all I have for this week! Hope everyone is doing well. I’ve got some more cool stuff planned soon. Anyone have any interest in ANR erotic fiction? If so, let me know! Maybe I’ll post some of mine here.



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