Tuesday, September 8, 2020

My First Progress update!

So originally I wanted to publish this on Sunday, but life got in the way and so here we are. Hopefully this is a better late than never situation.

When I started this blog I wanted it to be half repository of information and resources and half personal updates and progress details. So far it’s mostly been information, but today we’re talking progress. If you’re squeamish this might not be the post for you. We’re going to get into the gritty details.

So first things first: why have your first progress update at four weeks into the process? Mostly because there wasn’t much to report prior to that. But last week things have really started kicking into high gear so now we have more to talk about. And I’m so excited to finally see some positive changes!

The first things I really started to notice were the physical changes. My areolas have gotten darker and are now the color of the perfect latte. The line defining my areola from the rest of my breast has become more defined and my Montgomery glands have become more raised. Interestingly my nipples have stayed the same rosy hue as my lips that they’ve always been. I’ve also noticed that they veining on my breasts has become more obvious. I’ve always had prominent veins on my chest (this is what happens when you’re the palest person you know) but now the veins on my breasts are not only darker, but also slightly raised looking. My breasts as a whole have a slightly different shape now too. When I need to pump they look bottom heavy and rounded, but after I empty them the shape is more relaxed and my nipples point more downward instead of forward. Speaking of my nipples they too have changed some. They haven’t changed size, to be honest they were pretty large to begin with, but they have gotten more dense. When I would squeeze them between my fingers before they felt like I was just pinching some extra skin, but now it feels like there is a more rigid density to them-especially at the tip.

The next thing I have really been noticing has been an increase in my volume of milk. At the beginning of last week I was producing perhaps a couple mL. Then by the end of last week I was producing almost an ounce. Finally today I just expressed in ONE SITTING what used to take me all day to make. I’m finding that I can tell when it’s time to pump now just based on what my breasts feel like. There is a deep ache in my breasts if I put off pumping or expressing for too long. It’s throughout the breasts in general but I especially feel it right behind my nipple. I’m really excited that I’m seeing such increases so early on, but I’m also trying to temper my excitement because I don’t want to be disappointed if it doesn’t keep up this pace.

And finally the other thing I’ve noticed is that I think about sex a lot more. I find myself lost in thinking about when my next suckling session with my spouse will be, when I should be doing dishes or working on my various projects. I never was one prone to random midday fantasies, but now I find myself counting the minutes until my nipple can be in my spouse’s mouth again. Pumping is great, but there really is no ecstasy quite like suckling the one you love.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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