Wednesday, December 23, 2015



I remember being a first time mom and wanting to breastfeed. I was told horror stories. There is one that particularly stands out in my mind.  A first time mom was attending an out of town Christmas party at a VFW hall. She had family that lived near by, so she went to their house to have privacy. Some aunts noticed she had been gone and found her in a quiet secluded room. They claimed they “hadn’t seen the baby yet” and lifted the blanket up while she was breastfeeding.  I dont know about anyone else, but I would not have liked this. I considered myself very modest at that time. If I felt as if I had no where to go, this was me. In my car, covered. In a bathroom stall ( I know foul ). This should never have to happen. Not only is this unsanitary, but horrible noises and smells coming from surrounding stalls. Thank goodness I lost my give a dam shortly after doing that.

After having my second child a huge controversy broke out about women breastfeeding in public. Celebs and non celebs began posting there pictures while breastfeeding on social media. I was not one of them, but support those who are comfortable enough to do so.

Are you offended if you see someone breastfeeding in public? Would you be more offended seeing a women take her baby into a bathroom stall to feed them? I would love to hear your feedback.


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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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