Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 4-7

Today I pumped 11 Times (165mins) I was a lot busier and Bub cranky so a few sessions were 10 mins not 20 but I am amazed at how much pumping I fitted in. Success! I can now express 0.1mL almost every time I express not over 3 sessions. It’s come in handy bubs eye is still gross so putting it in to try clear up. Off to the doctor tomorrow for bubs eye and to ask about a Domperidone script . I’m pretty convinced he isn’t intolerant he has been exactly the same no change in behaviour, no change in his poos …. Nothing so fingers crossed.

Bubs eye is looking 100% better today still will head to the doctors to ask about the Domperidone. I expressed about .25ml this morning so since midnight that’s about half a mL – yes tiny volumes but a HuGe increase from what I was getting. This pumping is starting to pay off. I am also noticing my nipples are larger and areoles are darker like they were when I was pregnant and feeding Bub so I see this as a great sign that my hormones are changing. If I can get by without the Domperidone I would love to a then I don’t need to wean and worry about my supply dropping however Bub has been nuzzling my chest so I am super keen to get milk back while he is showing interest.

We went to the doctor Bub doesn’t need any antibiotics currently and I got the script for Domperidone. I am not starting it yet but if I don’t see a decent increase by Thursday which is a week I will.

I am feeling a little disheartened, Bub wasn’t interested in the breast today my supply is really unchanged .2-.5 each time I express despite a gruelling pumping regime. I was really busy today and haven’t pumped anywhere near what I wanted to (still about 7-8 times but only 100mins). I got the script for Domperidone filled and have started taking it this evening. I am feeding Bub the milk I am expressing, although only a few mL all day he seems to love the taste I wish I had more. His eye has flared up again AND he seems to be getting a bit sick. Come one milk I need antibodies for the little guy!!

There is another side to it,I am worried about if I manage to get my milk back learning to feed in public and dealing with negative comments. How to wean off bottles etc. one day at a time. We have a super busy day planned tomorrow too just need to make the time even more 5-10 min session so just to keep the stimulation there. Fingers crossed we see the numbers increasing over the weekend now the Domperidone has started and will make sure to keep the water up. The lactation consultants have both said to me only relactate if I want to not because I feel I have to and “don’t put too much pressure on yourself” – if only I could explain how bad I want this to work – I feel robbed from the first time I weaned I don’t want to get my hopes up as I felt so crushed and really was only feeling ok about it all when I started this journey. Realistically 1 week down not much increase a few mL all day if I am lucky. Tomorrow is a new day chin up, boobs out, pump away!

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