Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hallucinogen Eases Depression in Cancer Patients, Studies Find

By JAN HOFFMAN from NYT Health

How Civil War Soldiers Gave Themselves Syphilis While Trying to Avoid Smallpox

How Civil War Soldiers Gave Themselves Syphilis While Trying to Avoid Smallpox
If only someone had warned them not to take a DIY approach.

November 30, 2016 at 05:56PM
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How Do Blind People And Deaf People Communicate With One Another?

How Do Blind People And Deaf People Communicate With One Another?
How do these two group of differently-abled people have a basic conversation?

November 30, 2016 at 03:18PM
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Insomniacs Are Helped by Online Therapy, Study Finds


Nasty Parasites We Hope Never Wriggle Their Way Inside Of You

Nasty Parasites We Hope Never Wriggle Their Way Inside Of You
Neglected tropical diseases infect 1.4 billion people worldwide. However, that number is sharply decreasing (so there's hope for us yet).

November 30, 2016 at 11:22AM
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A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose their Vision

A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose their Vision
Many, though not all, astronauts who have been in space for months at a time experienced their vision slowly degrading, and post-flight inspection revealed that the back of their eyeballs had been squished down and flattened over the course of their trip.

November 30, 2016 at 10:26AM
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Thanksgiving at Skylands

Thanksgiving is among my favorite occasions, and this year, I enjoyed a quiet holiday with my family up at Skylands, my home in Maine. We shared a lovely [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Friday Night Lights Out: The Case for Abolishing High School Football

Friday Night Lights Out: The Case for Abolishing High School Football
A Nevada school board candidate wants to eliminate high school football, and a handful of others are making a medical, ethical, and financial case against America's favorite prep sport.

November 30, 2016 at 07:31AM
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The reinvention of radical protest: life on the frontline of the Aids epidemic | David France

The reinvention of radical protest: life on the frontline of the Aids epidemic | David France
As reports of a mysterious plague swept through the gay community in the 1980s, activists developed shock tactics to get the help they desperately needed.

November 29, 2016 at 01:58PM
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Space Travel Wreaks Havoc On The Human Body

Space Travel Wreaks Havoc On The Human Body
As we gear up to go to Mars, scientists scramble to learn more about the devastating effects of space travel on the body and how we can mitigate these issues for future cosmonauts.

November 29, 2016 at 12:34PM
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How scientists are preparing for a world without antibiotics

How scientists are preparing for a world without antibiotics
To fight resistant bacteria, we are turning to new allies such as viruses that only attack bacteria, nanoparticles, and tiny proteins based on those produced by the immune systems of different organisms.

November 29, 2016 at 10:54AM
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Freeze Your Head and Try to Live Forever

Freeze Your Head and Try to Live Forever
A new generation is keeping Russia’s centuries-old fascination with immortality alive. Get ready to chill out and wait for the future (or singularity) to arrive.

November 29, 2016 at 10:54AM
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Where Are Our Next Generation Condoms?

Where Are Our Next Generation Condoms?
The Gates Foundation tried to solve that problem by offering awards to the best proposals for the “next generation of condom” back in 2013. So where's our space age jimmy hat?

November 29, 2016 at 09:46AM
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Thanksgiving Photos from Our Employees

I always love seeing photos of our staff’s Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Every year before Thanksgiving, I send a general email to our employees, extending my very best wishes [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Breastfeeding through pregnancy. 

I keep meaning to write about my pregnancy. Mostly because by the time its over you forget all the little weird hormonal ups and downs. Last week the littlest thing set me off crying and I started to worry because my first trimester symptoms had finally died down but now I didn’t feel pregnant enough. The brain does strange things!

I’m now 16 weeks and day to day feeling fine. I’ve started to feel little squigles of movement low down and still feel tired some days. Woody is still breastfeeding. Hes 2 and 3 months. Its getting tough now though. Yesterday was the most painful day. It felt like he was sucking dust as there was nothing there. We had had a busy weekend so his several feeds a day was just down too a couple of feeds a day. I don’t think this has helped my supply. The past two days we’ve spent time reconnecting though and that seems to have helped. 

Some folks might think why not wean now (some folks probably think I should have weaned months a go) but I think feeding will be so handy once babies here I really want to cling onto it if I can. Hes such an active toddler its the one way I can calm him. I think it will also be good bonding time for him and his sibbling. Not much else we can do but try. 

This is one of many reasons why I’d like to see natural term weaning supported and encouraged. Its so handy and sorts all sorts of issues and problems. People say things like if hes old enough to ask for it hes to old to have it. Rubbish! Or if hes walking around and drinking from cups why not express. For one not all of us are equiped with the skills to express. Also boobs are awesome! When little one is feeding his saliva will be sending messages to my breasts to tell them if there is an infection that needs fighting. Woody has had a couple of colds and thats about it! And obviously the most important reason to carry on breastfeeding because we want to and it doesn’t matter what any one else thinks!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Monday, November 28, 2016

Why Gunshot Victims Have Reason to Like the Affordable Care Act


At Least 3 People Are Dead After Eating Thanksgiving Meal Served By Church

At Least 3 People Are Dead After Eating Thanksgiving Meal Served By Church
Three people died and five others were sickened after eating a Thanksgiving meal reportedly served to those who would have otherwise been alone for the holiday.

November 28, 2016 at 10:46PM
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Summer Project Turns Into Leukemia Testing Breakthrough

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Local Transmission of Zika Reported in Texas

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Why Do I Gain Weight When I Exercise?


A Day of Celebrations in New York City

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. In the coming days, I will share lots of photos from our holiday celebrations - the ones enjoyed by [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ask A Swole Woman: Become A Deadlift Beast, And Maybe Don’t Do Cardio

Ask A Swole Woman: Become A Deadlift Beast, And Maybe Don’t Do Cardio
You will never look bigger, more muscular, or more badass than when you’re deadlifting.

November 27, 2016 at 05:12PM
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Therapy’s Digital Disconnect

Therapy’s Digital Disconnect
Some digital natives struggle with a psychological culture that they say doesn’t understand the effects of life in the internet age.

November 27, 2016 at 09:20AM
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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fund medical treatments for people around the world

Fund medical treatments for people around the world
Watsi lets people donate as little as $5 toward low-cost, high-impact medical treatment for patients in poorer countries. It represents the next generation of charities — the profiles of the patients are posted on the Watsi site, and the online community begins donating.

November 26, 2016 at 08:25AM
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Microbes Might Explain Why Many Diets Backfire

Microbes Might Explain Why Many Diets Backfire
The gut microbiomes of mice take time to change after bouts of weight loss, making them more vulnerable to regaining weight.

November 26, 2016 at 05:18AM
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A Just City: Book Review

I had a quiet weekend not feeling well a few weeks ago, so I decided to binge read Jo Walton’s A Just City, chosen for me by my husband and daughter on their weekly library visit. My daughter wanted to read it immediately, after looking at the first few pages and realising it was a book about Apollo and Athena. The basic premise of the book is that Athena decides to honour the prayers of all the people throughout time who have read Plato’s Republic (in Greek) and prayed to her to be able to live there. She pulls together 300 or so such people, takes them out of time, then gives them the task to make it happen. Apollo (in god time) has recently had a near miss in a ‘chasing game’, where the nymph he was pursuing to mate prayed to Athena to be turned into a tree rather than mate with him. He decides to incarnate (be born as baby in the right time) and join the city as a child in order to learn about volition and equal significance — meaning that other people besides gods have volition and their will is also equally significant. Basically learning about consent, in today’s language. The book follows Apollo (as Pytheas), another girl named Simmea, and an 18th century minister’s daughter, renamed Maia who is one of the ‘masters’ (the intial 300 adults).

What follows is an often amusing, and often thought-provoking exploration of the extent to which Plato’s Republic is feasible. As is to be expected, most of the female masters are classics scholars from universities and most of the male masters are actual famous folk like Cicero who have grown up in times that don’t take Plato’s idea about having females as equal partners in the Just City seriously. They go through with all the stuff, like having yearly mating rituals but communal babycare and no marriage, in an effort to avoid nepotism. The book highlights the themes of volition and equal significance throughout — there is a disturbing rape scene where the rapist is convinced his victim is enjoying it, there are discussions about the robots brought from the future to do the work of slaves only for all to realise that they are actually sentient and there against their will.

I think for the most part my daughter would get alot out of it, and enjoy the portrayal of Athene and Simmea particularly, but I haven’t given it to her to read because of the rape scene and 2 or 3 sex scenes that I think would be confusing for a 10 year old. I so remember being at the age (I actually finished the entire children’s section of our country library around 10 or 11 years old) and being so frustrated about finding things to read that were meaningful — beyond teen narcissim and angst. There is a lot more available now for her age, so I guess its just a matter of a few years before we can read and enjoy some of the same books. I try to read series she is really into, sometimes first (e.g. The Hunger Games) and sometimes I just pick them up now and then to read a bit. I don’t know, I guess I feel frustrated that Walton’s book is mostly about 10 year olds, but not really FOR 10 years olds. She might disagree…

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

An Autumn Harvest for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! This year, I am spending the holiday with my family up at Skylands, my home in Seal Harbor, Maine. Before I left, [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

No, teenage blood won't make you young and beautiful

No, teenage blood won't make you young and beautiful
Teen blood might not be a medicine, but the blood of the elderly could be toxic.

November 23, 2016 at 06:30PM
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I Couldn’t Sleep, So I Tried Over-the-Counter Tryptophan

I Couldn’t Sleep, So I Tried Over-the-Counter Tryptophan
Forget turkey; the purest tryptophan comes in pill form and can be purchased at the local drugstore. But does it work?

November 23, 2016 at 05:21PM
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Eli Lilly’s Experimental Alzheimer’s Drug Failed in Large Trial

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

Indoor Holiday Decorating with The Home Depot on Facebook

Every year, I always fill my home with festive holiday decorations. My housekeeper, Laura Acuna, and I enjoy mixing and matching traditional pieces with more whimsical objects and [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Your Office Has a Microbiome, and It Might Make You Sick

Your Office Has a Microbiome, and It Might Make You Sick
Our modern energy-efficient buildings might be driving beneficial bacteria out of our lives.

November 22, 2016 at 09:54PM
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Busy life 

Wow it has been a while since I have had a chance to write, what happened?…! Life with twin babies plus 2 other children will do that to you.

I actually have felt a bit too ashamed to write anything. I have been so slack with my exercise and what I have been eating that I have put on weight instead of losing it. I have dieted and exercised one day a week so I should be skinny by now right? Haha. When I talk to my friends about it they tell me that I’m so busy with my kids that they are amazed at what I do do. I get the sense that they are trying to make me feel better. But it gets lodged into my brain and when I go to exercise but feel ragged this pops up and then I think I may as well relax instead and try again tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and the cycle keeps going and then after a week I just feel sad for myself.

Last night we went to McDonald’s after an event at my daughters school. I told myself I WILL be good and get a salad, but this is what I ended up with…..sad deliciousness  shopping is one of my to go to exercise for when I don’t have time and babies are unsettled. I will go out and walk around shops, though it’s not a great idea when there is a doughnut shop outside my local Kmart. Though I did share this with a friend. Look at all these fantastic goodies that come out when I’m trying to be good.

The hard thing is that I’m still breastfeeding in the mornings so my body wants more food but my babies don’t want to drink as much so my body isn’t naturally working it off. 

Well that’s it for another day. I will try again tomorrow, that should be my catch phrase lol

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Gene editing will transform cancer treatment

Gene editing will transform cancer treatment
CRISPR is being tested to battle cancer — by removing patients’ immune cells, editing them, and reinserting the weaponized cells into the body to hunt cancer.

November 22, 2016 at 06:49PM
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Microcephaly Found in Babies of Zika-Infected Mothers Months After Birth

By PAM BELLUCK from NYT Health

‘Please, I am out of options’: inside the murky world of DIY abortions

‘Please, I am out of options’: inside the murky world of DIY abortions
As Donald Trump promises new restrictions on abortion, emails reveal the desperation of women who have no place to go to end unwanted pregnancies.

November 22, 2016 at 03:53PM
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Why Do Veins Pop Out After Jacked Muscle Builders Work Out?

Why Do Veins Pop Out After Jacked Muscle Builders Work Out?
Popped-out veins aren't just a blood-drawing nurse's dream; they're a key indicator of that coveted bodybuilder look. You're not hardcore until your blood-carrying pathways jut out like an arm full of hernias. But what causes them in the first place?

November 22, 2016 at 02:56PM
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No Evidence of Aloe Vera Found in the Aloe Vera at Wal-Mart, CVS

No Evidence of Aloe Vera Found in the Aloe Vera at Wal-Mart, CVS
The aloe vera gel many Americans buy to soothe damaged skin contains no evidence of aloe vera at all.

November 22, 2016 at 01:14PM
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Watch Firefighters Put Out Thanksgiving Kitchen Fires Live

Watch Firefighters Put Out Thanksgiving Kitchen Fires Live
CNN is bringing fire safety to the masses with a live Thanksgiving kitchen fire demonstration. Enjoy and stay safe!

November 22, 2016 at 11:21AM
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The Medical Mystery Behind America's Best-Selling Hair-loss Drug

The Medical Mystery Behind America's Best-Selling Hair-loss Drug
1,400 men have filed suit against drugmaker Merck, alleging that its hair-restoration pill Propecia stole their manhood and wrecked their minds.

November 22, 2016 at 09:37AM
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Boxers CTE

Boxers CTE
Increasing knowledge about the effects of repeated traumatic brain injuries is usually framed around football — but what about boxing, which revolves around repeated blows to the head? Can the sport survive? And can its fighters?

November 22, 2016 at 08:06AM
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The Season's First Snowfall at the Farm

The first real snowflakes of the season are always fun to see. Over the weekend, we had a light snowfall here in Bedford, New York. Until now, the weather [&hellip...

from The Martha Stewart Blog
via crafterdiy

Monday, November 21, 2016

Telling Mosquitoes Apart With a Cellphone

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

The Seven-Decade Hunt for the Origins of a Strange Indian Disease

The Seven-Decade Hunt for the Origins of a Strange Indian Disease
Zeroing in on the genesis of the Kyasanur forest disease was, at one point, called “possibly the most dramatic epidemiological detective story of our time.”

November 21, 2016 at 04:47PM
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Can Hypothermia Save Gunshot Victims?

Can Hypothermia Save Gunshot Victims?
A new procedure freezes trauma patients who are bleeding out in order to buy time to operate.

November 21, 2016 at 03:37PM
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How to eat as much food as humanly possible this Thanksgiving

How to eat as much food as humanly possible this Thanksgiving
This is the very opposite of healthy-eating advice, but if you're looking for a guide on how to binge eat you probably already know this.

November 21, 2016 at 02:34PM
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Inside the Rehab Center Where Rich, Addicted, Off-the-Rails Teens Get Help

Inside the Rehab Center Where Rich, Addicted, Off-the-Rails Teens Get Help
It’s easy to sneer, but maybe there’s something to the premise that wealthy kids have a particular set of mental health and addiction problems.

November 21, 2016 at 01:37PM
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U.S. Dementia Rates Are Dropping Even as Population Ages

By GINA KOLATA from NYT Health

Do Long Fasts Lead to Weight Loss?

Do Long Fasts Lead to Weight Loss?
There's a small community of health fanatics who purport to have given up food for a month at a time or more. Weight loss, if accomplished, is often underplayed, as though it’s a mere fringe benefit to the enlightenment that self-imposed starvation provides.

November 21, 2016 at 12:26PM
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12 Prenatal & Postnatal Essentials for Mothers

If you are currently pregnant or have just given birth, take a look at our selected top 10 prenatal & postnatal essentials for you, mommies!

1. Mustela 9 Months Specific Support Bust


Mustela 9 Months Specific Support Bust is specially formulated for breast care during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It firms breasts, soothes tightness, tones skin, and improves skin elasticity and suppleness to make your breasts more resistant to changes in volume. This combination of exclusive ingredients of natural origin – Elastoregulator, Lupeol, Calendula, Avocado Peptides – prevents skin slackening and loss of elasticity.

You can start using Specific Support Bust early in your pregnancy when your breasts are swollen and tender. Apply it by gently massaging in a circular movement, from the outside towards the middle of the breast. Recommended for usage for your breasts, upper chest and neck, twice a day, from the beginning of pregnancy until the end of breastfeeding.

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2. Mustela: Stretch Marks Care Oil


Mustela Stretch Marks Care Oil is effective in preventing and minimizing new and recent stretch marks. This pampering dry oil – with oils from pomegranate seed, musk rose, baobab, avocado, sunflower, and Lupeol – boosts the production of fibers that strengthen the skin and improve the elasticity and softness of your skin during and after pregnancy.

You can use Mustela Stretch Marks Care Oil from the early stages of pregnancy until three months after childbirth. Spray into the palm and apply to belly, breasts, hips, and thighs and massage in gently.

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3. Mustela Stretch Marks Intensive Action


Mustela Stretch Mark Intensive Action contains Alpha Hydroxy Acid that minimizes existing stretch marks during pregnancy and after giving birth. It moisturizes skin and maintains skin elasticity and suppleness. Infused with Silicone and Vitamin B5, Stretch Mark Intensive Action intensively corrects stretch-mark-prone skin.

Highly concentrated in regenerating agents, this cream should be applied directly to all existing stretch marks, twice a day for 2 to 3 months. The special precision tip applicator ensures targeted application with no waste. You will see noticeable difference in your skin.

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4. Earth Mama Angel Baby New Mama Bottom Spray


Earth Mama Angel Baby Mama Bottom Spray is a cooling, refreshing perineal mist for speedy recovery after birth. Its all-natural ingredients include witch hazel distillate and antibacterial pure essential oils help reduce swollen tissues and ease postpartum vaginal soreness, episiotomy, and hemorrhoids. You can spray this cooling mist onto your perineum as often as needed, especially after urination and bathing.

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5. Medela PureLan 100 Nipple Care


For new mothers who are facing sore and sensitive nipples from breastfeeding your newborn, Medela PureLan 100 Nipple Care is here to help. Medela PureLan is a pure lanolin nipple cream that helps soothe sensitive or dry nipples and helps form an additional protective barrier over sore or irritated nipples during breastfeeding. It’s safe for both mom and baby so you do not need to remove before breastfeeding.

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37g –


6. Buds Cherished Organics For Mum – Organic Breast Massage Oil


Buds Cherished Organics Breast Massage Oil helps breastfeeding mothers stay calm and relaxed and promotes lactation, making breastfeeding easier.

  • Organic Sweet Fennel Oil: promotes lactation
  • Organic Inca Inchi Oil: high in essential fatty acids (EFAs) to rebuild and maintain protective lipid barrier
  • Organic Rosemary Oil: a potent antioxidant, strengthens and protects the tender skin on the breasts
  • Organic Lavender Oil: calms, relaxes and soothes
  • Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Olive Oil & Organic Jojoba Oil: nourish and moisturize

Before feeding, gently massage your breast from the outside towards the nipple to encourage milk letdown. Apply after every feed to protect and moisturize the tender area around your nipples.

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7. Human Nature Natural Strengthening Shampoo with Cream Foam (Soothing Aloe)


Save your hair before it’s gone especially if you’re entering the third or fourth month postpartum. Hair loss is real! Human Nature Natural Strengthening Shampoo is infused with hydrolyzed protein to fortify your hair, and Philippine coco nectar, a revolutionary ingredient packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Clinically proven to reduce hair fall by 80% and thicken the hair by 90% after 4 weeks of continuous use. For silky strong hair, follow up with Natural Strengthening Conditioner.

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8. Human Nature Natural Strengthening Conditioner (Soothing Aloe)


Give yourself a double dose of strength with Human Nature’s Natural Strengthening Conditioner in tandem with their Natural Strengthening Shampoo. Teeming with gugo bark and calamansi, this conditioner helps fortify your hair to reduce both breakage and hair loss. Organic virgin coconut oil caps off this triple goodness combo, leaving your locks stronger, healthier and smelling refreshingly clean without harsh chemicals!

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9. Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump & Lid Combo


Haakaa’s silicone breast pump is 100% medical grade, eco-friendly and simple to use. It fits perfectly into any handbag or baby bag and requires no hard work. Also the best travel pump you will find! Made from 100% medical grade silicone, this compact pump is perfect for long distance trips, planes, car rides, family BBQ’s or anywhere you would like to discretely express, quickly.

Simply attach the suction cup to your breast and let the pump do the work for you as it draws your milk using suction. 100% eco-friendly and safe for mum, baby and the environment.

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10. Double Monkeys Poncho Breastfeeding Cover (Certified 100% Organic Cotton)


Double Monkeys Poncho Breastfeeding Cover is made from certified 100% organic cotton. You can breastfeed your baby anywhere with ease and without worry because it gives you complete coverage front and back! It has a stiff curved neckline so that you can easily view and check on your baby.

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11. Topfer Tea for Nursing Mothers


Topfer Tea for Nursing Mothers is an easily digestible, balanced and soothing tea for nursing mothers to ensure relaxed breastfeeding. The well-balanced mixture of natural herbs (caraway, anise, goat’s rue) stimulates milk production. Nettle helps to improve iron absorption in the blood.

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12. Milky Bites Lactation Cookies & MOM MORE MILK Lactation Cookies and Brownies

milky-bites mom-more-milk

Milky Bites Lactation Cookies are 100% natural soft lactation cookies made from the best ingredients with no refined sugar, no alcohol, and absolutely no preservatives! They come in three different flavors – Oatmeal Ginger, Brownie Date, and Chocolate Peanut Butter.

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MOM MORE MILK Lactation Cookies and Brownies are all baked with wholesome natural lactogenic ingredients such as rolled oats, organic flaxseed meal, wheat germ and pure malt to boost your breast milk production. You can choose your flavor – Cranberry & White Choc Chip, Oats & Hershey’s Choc Chip, Lactation Brownies.

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from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard