Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Breast feeding Woes…. Diary of an A cup Need more milk?????

I am writing this blog as I am looking down at my itty bitty 36A cups and wondering “how will these produce enough milk to feed a growing baby boy” SIGH. My little guy is 7 weeks old and “HUNGRY” should be his First, Middle and Last name, boy these little people can eat. So, I am a first time mommy learning the ropes of motherhood. I am breastfeeding, losing sleep and trying to write blogs. Before I every thought about actually having a baby I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, its not the easiest part of being a new mom, but I encourage mothers who are thinking about it or just need some encouragement to stay with it and trust you are not the only one out here struggling. Personally I feel like a walking vending machine, as my son is getting bigger he is requiring more and more milk. Its getting to the point where I cant even leave the house because I was unable to make extra bottles. So before I got discouraged by the similac crusaders (negative people who don’t seem to understand, not saying similac is bad it’s a choice) I reached out to a dear family friend who breastfeed all of her 6 children and, she directed me to reach out to a lactation nurse. Together they both encouraged me to grab each A-cup by the hand “literally” and pump. So with one hand I would cup my boob and use my thumb to massage around and downward towards the areola and press down and slightly squeeze, it doesn’t require a lot of force, Ill even do this while I am breastfeeding my son on the opposite/ free boob just expressig milk, killing 2 birds with one stone. With a little education I was able to hand pump 4 ounces after I would use my Ameda pump, the nurse also told me to drink some Senugreek tea “which really helped me a lot” , drink plenty of water “a must, my goal is 64 or more ounces per day”, and eat 3 meals a day. All of these things helped me to produce more milk, even though I was eating and drinking a lot of water I needed some extra milk if I must say and the Senugreek tea and hand pumping helped my breast express more milk. Like all things it doesn’t happen over night but I gave it 2 to 3 days before I saw a difference in my milk production. Hey in life there are steps just keep pumping until you get to the top lol.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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