Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Busy life 

Wow it has been a while since I have had a chance to write, what happened?…..life! Life with twin babies plus 2 other children will do that to you.

I actually have felt a bit too ashamed to write anything. I have been so slack with my exercise and what I have been eating that I have put on weight instead of losing it. I have dieted and exercised one day a week so I should be skinny by now right? Haha. When I talk to my friends about it they tell me that I’m so busy with my kids that they are amazed at what I do do. I get the sense that they are trying to make me feel better. But it gets lodged into my brain and when I go to exercise but feel ragged this pops up and then I think I may as well relax instead and try again tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and the cycle keeps going and then after a week I just feel sad for myself.

Last night we went to McDonald’s after an event at my daughters school. I told myself I WILL be good and get a salad, but this is what I ended up with…..sad deliciousness  shopping is one of my to go to exercise for when I don’t have time and babies are unsettled. I will go out and walk around shops, though it’s not a great idea when there is a doughnut shop outside my local Kmart. Though I did share this with a friend. Look at all these fantastic goodies that come out when I’m trying to be good.

The hard thing is that I’m still breastfeeding in the mornings so my body wants more food but my babies don’t want to drink as much so my body isn’t naturally working it off. 

Well that’s it for another day. I will try again tomorrow, that should be my catch phrase lol

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