Friday, February 23, 2018

Almost there

Went to the doctors yesterday for my 39 week checkup at the OB/GYN. I learned that I gained two pounds from last week and that I am no more dilated than I was last week and the week before. From when I was pregnant with my first son (LM) I am not surprised that this one (SM) is not progressing fast. Although I hear that second and more children are usually faster than the first. I feel this is false for me, which is alright.

I have not had any of those more prominent signs that active labor will be here soon. I believe it was a frustration of my employer as well because they asked when I plan to have my last day before my leave. I didn’t have a good answer for them, I just said whenever SM comes. So I only have three days of work left and two of them are days that if I cannot make it int work will not be a role that will hurt the store.

I find it interesting still to see that shocked looks customers give me when they ask when I am due. In which I reply little less than a week and their eyes get so wide. They don’t have much to say after that. Yesterday however a customer had a lot to say, she was saddened that our country does not allow for better care of pregnant mothers and their newborn. Stating that in Britain they are in the hospital for a week after birth and that when mothers go home a nurse will visit to ensure everything is going well. Here, I believe the hospital I will be delivering at only has 24 hours after birth unless there are complications.

With SM being around the corner I have been trying with my husband to really instill into LM that a baby will be here soon. When I told him that two days ago LM said something about me having sweet dreams when SM is here. I was so moved by those words yet cautious in that well, I hope I can sleep and not be woken every hour. LM wasn’t that bad at night, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Also, if there are any mothers out there with resources about how to get either 1) better lactation or 2) cheap formula. When I had LM I dried up quickly and was unable to give him as much mothers milk as I wanted. I also and not in a position financially where I can afford $30+ a week for formula. It is not fair to mothers who cannot provide their little ones because their bodies aren’t producing. Why should a mother worry about affording food for their baby when they are already stressed enough. I can understand why it was stolen a lot at my previous job.

If I do not have SM before March 2nd I will have another ultrasound to check his size as well see the fluid levels around him. I will most likely also be setting a date to be induced. This date will be what My husband and I feel best for him to be able to help take care of the family after birth. Now the waiting game begins, will it be SM who picks his birthday or us?

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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