Sunday, July 1, 2018

Books I have in my library

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With years experience with studying lactation and breastfeeding my library of books have grown.  Here I would like to share my collection with you.

As I was studying for the IBCLC exam, all the books helped me in some way.  With helping mothers you must have a range of skills and knowledge and as you will see there are various books that may be on helping the mother or the baby, but all are used for referencing any problem you may have on a particular problem.

It is important to always be learning and as new data comes out daily, staying on top will keep you sharp and ready for any solution.


Here is a book that I recommend on postpartum depression.   Happy Endings, New Beginnings by Susan Benjamin Feingold. She is built her business as a licensed clinical psychologist, who has assisted hundreds of postpartum mothers dealing with postpartum depression. She gives excellent questions and guidance on the subject as well as recommends books to further reading. I like how she writes because its very easy to understand and her care runs deep for any mother experiencing the new beginning of motherhood.


As I was learning and studying for the IBCLC exam, I came across this book by Kerstin Uvnas Moberg, M.D., Ph.D. The role of oxytocin in breastfeeding is a link you must understand to piece together the puzzle of lactation. Much research has been done on the subject and Mrs. Moberg has provided many in this 209-page book. The book is well organized in sections, 28 chapters in all. To get a better understanding of the brain-body connections, read this book as you explore the brain and how oxytocin is so crucial for breastfeeding success.

Ethnographies Of Breastfeeding
Ethnographies Of Breastfeeding- This book has a cultural view of breastfeeding around the globe. Written by anthropologist and sociologist, it contains the many issues that mothers face while providing their young human milk. The chapter on surrogacy is a thrilling one of emotion for anyone who reads it. Infant feeding, at its core, from a perspective of mothers themselves.

Milk Matters
– Another stunning book to make your head spin with all the great work put into it. I highly recommend anyone to read this book which entails three books in one. As the world experiences more and more allergies, you can understand the reasons why using formula can cause such problems.

Perspectives in lactation
Perspectives in Lactation- Here is a thoughtful book for any private practice lactation consultant. She lays out the foundation for a professional to consider including internet presence, self-care, and the mechanics of running a business.

It’s all in the details
Clinics in Human Lactation- A small book in comparison to the others but quite full of good info. Written by Denise Altman, who owns a private practice of her own, has broken down the essentials to filling out forms, to questioning clients and much much more.

Infant Massage
Infant Massage- This delightful read was an impulse buy but one I will truly treasure. Touch for a newborn is essential for survival. Pictures of techniques are clear and songs to sing to a baby are what you will find throughout this book on infant massage.

Breastfeeding: New Anthropological Approaches
Breastfeeding New Anthropological Approaches- Just published in 2018, an excellent book to understand research done on lactation. In-depth research as well as cultural influences that shaped the world we know today.

Mothering the New Mother
– Any pregnant woman should own this book. It sets the stage for postpartum, a time not really pondered on while pregnant. Many great suggestions will be found here.

Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants
Supporting Sucking Skill in Breastfeeding Infants- How can a lactation consultant work without knowing the mechanics of sucking in a newborn. This is a resource you must have to understand the physiology of the breastfeeding infants sucks. This book is well written and full of useful information.

Human Lactation
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation- One of the core books used to study for the IBCLC, this textbook gives a strong foundation to the science of lactation.

Counseling the Nursing Mother- One of my first texts on breastfeeding and one that is full of great knowledge for anyone helping any new mother breastfeed. It explains clearly the counseling protocol and even includes special needs situations and teen moms.

Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, 8e
Breastfeeding A Guide For The Medical Profession- What can I say about this book that isn’t already written. You want to soar in the research on breastfeeding? This is the holy grail. It contains more in-depth analysis from a scientific standpoint. Really amazing book!

Core Curriculum For Lactation Consultant Practice –  What a great textbook that is filled to the rim with essential IBCLC knowledge.  Although I felt a bit overwhelmed with the big book, take it chapter by chapter.  I would recommend strongly to get this book since it has invaluable resources and sections that apply to serving as a professional.


So there you have it, my library to help me when a mother has a problem.  Hope this list helps you.

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