Tuesday, July 10, 2018

If you want milk today?

Well, I guess that on Thursday, the next blog might have to mention some soccer tournament, if the result is right tomorrow night, but other than that, I’m running a bit low on ideas now I’m producing 3 blogs a week, for 2 blogs, so if anyone has any subject matter they want discussed, with weird being fine, feel free to suggest away!

I have mentioned that as the calendar moves on through the years, the number of weird appreciation days seems to grow to the point where, very shortly, we will probably have about 360 of them! I assume they arent going to top the 2 at Easter, the 2 at Christmas, and New Years Day, but otherwise…?

Anyway, for better, or for worse, and its probably for worse, it seems today is Cow Appreciation Day. Yes, really, I suspect some agriculture, or farm group came up with that one! But yes, why focus on that, you ask? Well, for a bit of silliness, I guess?

In the US, there is a restaurant group called Chick Fil-A or something like that? Given the ‘love’ their bosses have for all matters relating to LGBT, lets just say I’d be unlikely to eat there, and leave it at that. No, to my knowledge, on all my visits to the US, I never have! But today, they’re doing one thing that I’d just love to do, as I’m never the type to say no to a free meal!

Basically, as much as I can tell, anyone going into one of their restaurants tonight, wearing anything that makes them look like a cow, or presumably cow related clothing, gets a free entree! Yes, me, I’d want to go the whole way, wear the full cow suit, for the principal, and yes, for the fun of it as well! Oh, and ideally, be milked, properly, just like a cow would be! Oh fine, the udders they would use would probably be the fake ones, and besides, I doubt they could get any milk, out of my ‘milk teats’ nowadays, anyway! But if they wanted to try…? ;) Always fancied, for some reason that nowadays, I have no idea why (stimulation, maybe?) being milked like that. Dont know where I got that idea from as a teen, unlike the robot/brainwashing ones, mind.

Yes, funnily enough, I did cover that concept in a story, many years ago too!  https://mcstories.com/DairyUnit/index.html

I will say that the first chapter is far better than the second one, as that was just a throw on I was requested to do, when the story took off!

But yeah, regardless of said Restaurant Group, if anyone has a cow suit they want me to wear, or want to ‘milk me’ properly, then let me know, moo! Either here, or robotunit8@hotmail.com, if you prefer.

Right, video time. Lets see, cows, milk, well…sad to think I remember this song, and its over 50 years old. Firstly, the famous version

Secondly, a more recent version by the gentleman (and friends) who wrote the song. You might remember him as part of 10 cc, or maybe not?

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