Saturday, February 29, 2020

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from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Day 3: Blessings of the Breasts

Day 3 of the 7-Day Devotional for new parents/mothers. Be Blessed!

By the God of your father who will help you, by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that crouches beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

Genesis 49:25 (ESV)

The newborn must eat to stay alive.  To stimulate lactation, your newborn must learn to latch. As the child’s mother, you continue to give life by feeding your newborn.  Studies show that breastfeeding reduces the risk of ear infection and boosts the newborn’s immunity (my experience validates these propositions).  Breastfeeding also promotes mother-infant attachment.  Thus, breastfeeding plays a role in the biological, social, and emotional development of your baby.  Breastfeeding is not insignificant to God. Ask God for wisdom to know what to eat for lactation.  God created your body, He knows if oatmeal, dates, milk, water, etc. would help you best. Don’t wait till “all else fails” before you talk to God.

I was nervous when my lactation was extremely low for the first two- or three-days post-partum.  It felt like I was failing my newborn. He was crying a lot and refused the formula or whatever some nurses tried to feed him through a syringe.  I can remember crying because I was in pain and failing as a mother.  God was merciful. He intervened by giving me wisdom.  We continued learning to latch, ate good food, I stopped worrying, then milk came. 

God is the one who gives us life.  Like a newborn learns to latch, we must learn to hold on to God. We need God in order to raise godly children and make a lasting impact.  When we talk to God about everything, we acknowledge that we cannot do things in our own strength, and we give God permission to intervene. Yes, we can do good things without God, but without God, we cannot do anything of eternal value.

Prayer: Thank you Father for your faithfulness and grace. You are the source of life, so I ask that you give life to my body and every organ in my body begins to function properly as you created them. Thank you that my breasts produce milk like they should, and I know what to do for my baby’s nourishment in Jesus name.

I pray that God will open the eyes of your understanding as you meditate on Genesis 49:25

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

No-bake Lactation Cookies

Total Body Wellness: No-Bake Lactation Cookies

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to breastfeed all 3 of my kids. It hasn’t been easy (I’ll share a post about my most recent nursling soon if you haven’t already heard our journey), but it’s been worth it. The health benefits that come from breastfeeding are plentiful and I love the bond it gives me with my babies.

Overall I haven’t really struggled with my milk supply but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a lactation cookie (or two!) to help out. I eat oatmeal every morning and drank Blue Gatorade for the first month or so as I was building my milk supply. (There are conflicting beliefs regarding galactogues, but I’m of the mindset that if it doesn’t hurt and tastes good, why not?)

I started out making regular no-bake cookies as a delicious treat and another way to get some oatmeal in mid-day. Then I realized I could add in some other beneficial ingredients like flax meal and brewer’s yeast, and these cookies were created! (You can’t taste the flax seeds but don’t use too much brewer’s yeast or your cookies will have a bitter taste.) These cookies are delicious and my kids like to eat these too.

No-bake Lactation Cookies

2 cups sugar
3 Tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
2-1/2 cups oats
1/4 cup ground flax
1/4 cup brewer’s yeast

In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa powder, butter, and milk. Bring to a boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter. Add in oats, flax, and brewer’s yeast. Stir to combine. Drop by the spoonfuls onto parchment paper to cool. Store in an airtight container.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

New Books! DubCon, BBCs, Lactation, Monsters, & More

The Hike: Violated By Mountain Men


Catriona “Cat” Perry is a junior executive at a marketing analysis firm in Kansas City, MO. Her busy work life has taken it’s toll and she has headed up north to revisit camping and hiking areas from her youth.

She has planned for a one-week reemergence into nature and can’t wait to hit the trails.

But what she didn’t add into her equation was a few savage well hung mountain men who will stop at nothing to satisfy their primal desires.

Read This Book…

Blacked Wives: His Untouched Bride To Be


Holly Miller is engaged to the man of her dreams, Brett Sampson, a local youth pastor and missionary. Both he and Holly share the same core values and follow a code of celibacy until after marriage.

A Saturday night pre-wedding party for Holly at the Mambo’s Nightclub will test her vows when she meets Drake, a muscle bound ebony male stripper.

Limits are made to be pushed, boundaries are only that; mere suggestions that can be altered and the outcomes are made of endless possibilities as Holly lets down some walls around her while willingly opening others.

Read This Book…

Ganged By Centaurs 


Helen had always been fascinated by tales of ancient Greece, so when she got the chance to spend her first summer at college in the Greek countryside, she leapt at it.

She was welcomed by a Greek family to their farm at the edge of an ancient forest, the reputed haunt of the legendary centaurs.

One night, Helen’s curiosity gets the better of her and she sets out into the forest on a journey of exploration that was to change her life forever.

Read This Book…

Daddy’s Creamy Farm Gal: Milked To Save The Farm


Life on a farm can be tough, and it is particularly tough for dairy farmer Jack and his step daughter Ellen.

When disaster strikes and they are unable to milk their cows, they face financial ruin. That’s when Ellen comes up with a wild solution to their problems.

Jack resists the idea at first, but facing the imminent loss of his livelihood, he takes the plunge.

Read This Book…

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Home Quarantine for Travelers Buys Time as New Virus Spreads


Lactation Services at The Birth Home

Congratulations on your newborn! It is one of the most amazing, yet vulnerable times in one’s life. If you are looking to get answers to any breastfeeding challenges you are facing, you have reached the right place. Having a baby that is not latching, questioning your milk supply or having sore nipples- is no fun! We have your back (literally too!). A lactation consult can help.

As a new parent, you may find it quite a task to get out and about with your newborn, so in addition to clinic consults, we also offer home visits, where we come to you.

You could avail our Lactation Lounge facility as well, where you come to The Birth Home with your baby and a support person to spend 4-8 hours with our consultant checking in on you, to help you gain the confidence and learn the necessary skills.

At The Birth Home, your baby and you are central to our care. We spend ample time with you, give you information and options to help you make an informed decision. We have regular follow-ups to see how you are doing.

To book a consult, call us : 8105233881/8088141924

We have a unique one-of-a-kind group practice so that we are available for you at most times. Our consultants are trained, experienced and have a deep passion to help you reach your goals.

Chetana Kulkarni has over 7 years of experience helping families with breastfeeding. She was one of the first few lactation experts who offered home visits in Bangalore. She has two adorable children and a super supportive partner. She has breastfed both her children, after overcoming multiple challenges both the times. She has personal experience with preterm breastfeeding with her older one and adoptive breastfeeding with her younger one. Through her personal and professional experiences, she’s gained a lot of insight and strongly believes that breastfeeding problems have breastfeeding solutions.

Sapna Krishnan realised that she was passionate about lactation through her experiences with breastfeeding her daughter. They shared a 3 year nursing relationship which lead to natural term weaning. General lack of awareness and support amongst new families is what lead Sapna into the field of lactation in 2016. A supportive husband and an understanding 5 year old are her pillars of strength. Over the years, she has assisted many families through consultations and breastfeeding education classes. Sapna cannot emphasise enough on seeking immediate help in case of any breastfeeding challenges. Do not wait for it to get worse!

When Anagha Narasimhan learnt that she was pregnant, she focused on researching and learning about the pregnancy and birth. Having seen a close relative breastfeed both her children, seemingly without challenges, she felt breastfeeding would come naturally to her and her baby. It was when she faced challenges after her baby’s birth that she was introduced to the world of lactation support. In her ongoing 3.5 year breastfeeding journey, with an extremely supportive spouse, she has gone on to be an administrator on an online breastfeeding support group and then a Certified Lactation Educator Counselor. She believes strongly in advocating for babies and parents, most importantly that the needs of the breastfeeding parent is as significant as the baby’s.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Coronavirus Cases Seemed to Be Leveling Off. Not Anymore.


Coronavirus Test Kits Sent to States, 30 Countries Are Flawed, C.D.C. Says


My Best Breastfeeding Food Tips for Mama

I’m so proud to claim that my sweet girl and I are at nearly 8 months of exclusively breastfeeding! She won’t even take a bottle so it’s been entirely me for every single feeding. Most people would say I’m nuts, but it’s actually been way easier than I expected. Maybe because I don’t have to pump or prepare bottles, that just seems so daunting to me now.

So hats off to you mamas that use bottles!

All of that being said, I’ve picked up on some tips and tricks along the way. These are entirely based on MY body and what I’ve learned, they may or may not work for you!! But, if you’re having some issues or are curious you can at least give it a shot!

Identify foods causing baby discomfort

So, ya girl has a pretty limited diet. My husband (Trey) has a gluten intolerance on top of being extremely picky. Which means we eat the same things all the time basically. Our menu is not very substantial lol. It gets annoying for sure, but it’s definitely helped with narrowing down what’s causing any troubles for her from my milk.

Eating the same things frequently has allowed me to identify when something upsets her tummy. She doesn’t have any spit up problems! **As long as I eat safe foods** And the thing is, the weirdest things cause her to spit up!

  • Rice Crispy Treats
  • Peanut butter (And we know now that she’s eating that she doesn’t have a peanut allergy!)
  • Vanilla flavoring (both artificial and pure)
  • Motts and Welches gummy fruit snacks
  • The seasoning a local restuarant uses on their Philly Cheesesteaks lol
  • Slaw
  • Nesquick
  • Chocolate
  • Lucky Charms cereal

There’s more I’m not thinking off right off, but you get the point lol. No joke, if I can figure out what’s different in what I’ve been eating and cut that out, the child doesn’t ever spit up (unless my mom holds her, something about that woman makes Nora spit up every single time lolol.)

But also find foods that help!

Also super random, but Great Value’s (walmart brand) version of Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds ended up being called “Magic cereal”. I put lots of cinnamon (real cinnamon, not just the kind you buy cheap at regular stores.) on top because I just like it, but even without the cinnamon it helps her significantly. Any time she was having gas pains, I could eat the cereal and she’d manage to get her toots out without gas drops! It would take her from screaming to the happiest baby. And for whatever reason, it doesn’t work with on brand! It *has* to be Great Value. I’m telling you, it’s weird stuff I’ve noticed through trial and error.

Another miracle worker; Greek Yogurt!!!! I’m big on probiotics and I’ve seen so many benefits in myself from them. So I wasn’t surprised when I noticed benefits for baby. Even her pediatrician was excited to hear I’m eating it. They also gave me baby probiotics so she gets supplements as well.

Eat lots of protein!

Y’all, I’ve had cravings for hamburgers so strong they’ve rivaled pregnancy cravings! Normally meat is just not something I’m thrilled about eating, but the cravings helped me realize that if I don’t eat enough protein, my milk supply drops significantly. So I went from rarely eating meat to eating it for every single meal.

Not just meat though, there’s other ways to get protein. Yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, nut butters, Fairlife Milk (that’s a big favorite of mine recently).

Milk supply boosters

I’m beyond blessed to produce lots of rich milk. Believe me, I don’t take it for granted. I know it’s something many women struggle with.

Even still, my supply drops if I don’t stay intentional with what I eat and drink.

Some of my biggest helpers have been:

  • The magic cereal I talked about earlier in this post
  • Fairlife Milk
  • Oatmeal!
  • Making sure to eat plenty of protein (which is easy with my hamburger cravings lol)
  • Water, obviously. Which is also easy considering I constantly feel like I’m eating cotton balls if I don’t have a cup right beside of me.
  • Eggs

Other options

Personally I haven’t tried any of them, but I’ve seen quite a few products on the shelves claiming to boost milk supply. I’ve seen them at Target, but I’m sure Walmart, Amazon, and places like Buy Buy Baby carry them as well.

Postnatal Vitamins! My doctor recommended I continue taking prenatal vitamins because breastfeeding takes a ton out of you, understandably so. So at the very least, keep taking those. A few weeks ago, I found Nature Made brand postnatal vitamins at Target! I checked the labels of several other prenatals and even just regular multivitamins, and the postnatal had more in them around the board. I’ve been taking them for over a month and I feel great! Plus they smell and taste better than any prenatals I had taken, which is a big plus lol

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Juul Bought Ads Appearing on Cartoon Network and Other Youth Sites, Suit Claims


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

F.D.A. Approves New H.I.V.-Prevention Drug, but Not for Everyone


Huge Shelters for Coronavirus Patients Pose New Risks, Experts Fear


Sugary Drink Consumption Plunges in Chile After New Food Law


At the Westminster Dog Show: Top Dogs, Top Docs


Lactation newsmakers: protecting breastfeeding from conflicts of interest

In order to maximize profits from sales of breastmilk substitutes, manufacturers use a whole gamut of strategies to interfere with the effective implementation of policies that protect, promote, and support breastfeeding (e.g., the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes with its subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions and the Global Strategy on Infant and Young Child Feeding). Their strategies create, among other problems, personal and institutional conflicts of interest. Effective Conflict of Interest policies are therefore needed for ensuring that governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and health professionals can protect their independence, integrity, and credibility in order to work in the best interests of children. Conflicts of interest are discussed by Dr Lida Lhotska and Dr Judith Richter, who have been actively involved in these issues internationally. Lida Lhotska holds a BSc in Biology and a PhD in Anthropology. Her international work spans over 25 years. She headed the Infant Feeding and Care team for UNICEF and subsequently joined the IBFAN-Geneva Infant Feeding Association team, always focusing on advancing the protection of breastfeeding through legal and other policy measures. Judith Richter has a multidisciplinary background combining knowledge in the humanities with health sciences (PhD Social Sciences; MA Development Studies; MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences). Her work as a freelance researcher for United Nations agencies, governments, and civil society organizations and networks has centered on safeguarding their capacity to hold transnational corporations accountable. In her interview, Judith Richter explains why conflict of interest regulation matters to health professionals working in the field of lactation.

Abstract available in Journal of Human Lactation, December 9, 2019

(subscription and log in required to see the full article)

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Monday, February 10, 2020

Vaping Illnesses Are Linked to Vitamin E Acetate, C.D.C. Says


Balancing Solids with Breastfeeding

You finally get into the hang of breastfeeding and guess what?  You’re told it’s time to start solids.  How did that happen so quickly?  Weren’t you just being discharged from the hospital last week and figuring out how to get the latch down?

Don’t panic.  I agree, it is confusing.  Starting solids can feel really vague.  No one really gives you any guidance with it, they just say to do it.  How do you know when you’re ready? Or more importantly, how do you know when the baby is ready?  There is no perfect answer.  Starting solids is one of those situations that is very individual to each family.  In some cultures, starting solids is something that happens earlier rather than later.  Some babies aren’t interested in solids until closer to a year.

Whatever your situation, try and relax and have fun with it.  Babies will depend on you for a long time for their nutrition through breastmilk, so the first several months of solid foods is more experimental.  Enjoy this new time with your baby.  And good luck with the mess solid foods brings :)

129 – Balancing Solids With Breastfeeding


from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

An Alzheimer’s Drug Trial Fails: ‘We Don’t Have Anything Now’

By GINA KOLATA from NYT Health

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lopsided and Shitty Titties

Best name ever, right?  Very descriptive.  This came from a podcast listener who wrote to us asking for an episode on the very real, common phenomena of one side being bigger than the other when breastfeeding.

Sound familiar??  I’m sure to some of you it does.  It is something mothers will ask about a lot~ one breast seems to make more than the other, is this normal? One breast is definitely bigger than the other, will it go back? Baby likes one side better than the other ask as a result, I am lopsided, what can I do?

Some babies do seem to like one breast over the other.  They aren’t trying to be difficult on purpose, just feeding where they are most comfortable.  For some babies, switching their position can help,  or pumping.  Knowing that things typically go back to normal once breastfeeding has ended can bring some peace of mind.  Also knowing that your lopsidedness is not obvious to others – keep reminding yourself of this.

No one is absolutely perfect.  We start this life with asymmetry, and will likely always have some asymmetry somewhere.  Unfortunately, we are under all this pressure to look perfect.  When something like breast asymmetry seems so obvious to you, it can be difficult to feel comfortable in your own skin.

If you listen to the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast this week, you will get an earful of how society puts unwarranted demands on mothers.  Maybe we don’t have many answers for the lopsided shitty titties (because there really aren’t that many) but we can offer you a village of mothers who understand.

Check it out here~

128 – Lopsided and Shitty Titties



from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Friday, February 7, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

China Begins Testing an Antiviral Drug in Coronavirus Patients


W.H.O. Fights a Pandemic Besides Coronavirus: an ‘Infodemic’


Free lactation treats!

As promised by Mommy Knows Best, I received a free lactation treat for leaving a review of the cookies I purchased from them a few weeks ago! This is a pretty awesome deal and I wasn’t sure they’d actually send me a free product. But they did, within a few days! Can’t wait to try these!

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Crisis Looms in Antibiotics as Drug Makers Go Bankrupt


Why the New Coronavirus (Mostly) Spares Children


Lovely, Luscious "L"



Piece by piece we delve further into this sexy alphabet! So, let’s get our horny learning hats on and jump right in!

Lactation: Simply, the making of people juice. That warm, sweet stuff titties make! Many


different types of fetishes involve using breast milk in various ways, or simply in curling up on her lap and nursing as a form of comfort or age play.

LDR: This stands for a Long Distance Relationship. An example is me and my long-distance boyfriend. I’m in Oregon, he’s in Florida. (I know, I know. But we make it work, and make it work rather well!) This type of relationship is not for just anyone and requires individuals who commit to working very hard to keep emotional needs met. (And when we visit each other, physical needs too. WHEEW!)

imageLeather (used more as a culture, not just the item(s) ): A traditional style of BDSM, that was born of “Biker Gangs” and homosexual BDSM around post-WWII. This essentially started the concept of the BDSM “club”. Of course, this style grew and spread through all sorts of orientations and categories and *poop* clubs everywhere of every type. Women, known as “leatherdykes”, were allowed to participate starting around 1980, usually as an adjacent chapter (think like a grown-up kinky version of boys scouts and girl scouts). Some clubs are quite strict in structure and hierarchy. Meaning you start out as a noob and climb the ladder as you earn it over years and years. This type of system is often referred to as “old school”. There are many, many, MANY different types and subcategories. 


Librarian fetish: Yep, you read it. I mean, how could I not write about a symbol of intelligence and sexuality that’s endured for so very long?? She exists in movies, TV shows, commercials, porn, adult magazines, erotica, and the fevered imagination of men who date librarians. She quite often gets in 

the way of real librarians doing their jobs. While the role of the librarian has existed for a good long while — at least as long as there have been libraries, and there have been libraries for around 2700 years — the modern librarian, the modern female librarian, dates back to the late 19th century. 

Limits (see hard limits, soft limits): If you were being good and reading these posts of mine you would know this *wink*. Buuut, I guess I’ll humor you anyway. And, reiterate that clear communication and immense planning are literally THE BIGGEST PART OF SAFETY when it comes to playing or much of anything. Hard limits means that the subject is a total NO. Soft limits mean they’re not really sure about trying this thing, but they’re willing to give it a try. Be sure to read up on limits and safety, including my article on “Consent when you like being abused” for ideas and ways to thoroughly communicate with your play partner(s). Nobody wants a surprise that leaves lasting physical or emotional damage. And if you do, uuh, make sure your partner knows that!

Little or little boy/girl: Someone who is in the role of being a submissive, and also is engaging in age play. This does not necessarily mean there’s anything sexual involved in this play, and the mass majority does NOT connotate or encourage any sort of pedophilia.

22919258-7845815-image-m-2_1577988877411Usually, this looks more like a woman who is working very hard in day to day life. She comes home and once her day is done gets into her version of little space. This can be a variety of things, such as footsie pajamas, pigtails, and has her dominant (usually a daddy or mommy style of dominant) get her coloring books, juice box, snacks, and put on cartoons. Or it could be portrayed as a younger age or an older age. If they prefer to be a teen type age (13+) then they’re generally referred to as a middle, rather than a little. 84023234_190585895677573_3609833125099601920_nAs with any other fetish, there’s a vast array of versions depending on the needs and wants of those involved. 

(My boyfriend sent me the second picture, and I just had to use it! I LOVE THAT SWING AND NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!) 



And that brings our lickable L’s to an end for today my lovely perverts, stay sexy! As usual, if I missed or misrepresented anything, let me know!! MUAH!




from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Walgreens Will Pay $7.5 Million to Settle Unlicensed-Pharmacist Claims


The Mysterious Vaping Illness That’s ‘Becoming an Epidemic’


Dr. Leonard Shengold, 94, Psychoanalyst Who Studied Child Abuse, Dies


Even Without Symptoms, Wuhan Coronavirus May Spread, Experts Fear


Breastfeeding = Power

Yeah, I said that.  Maybe not power like “I can lift a car”, but more like “I can do anything” kind of power.  Empowerment.  The cool thing is, most mothers don’t even realize this is happening.  I know I didn’t recognize it until much later, like when my kids were walking and talking and I was proudly bragging about how I had nursed my kids and that’s why they are ~healthy, beautiful, smart…(insert adjective here).

I see it with mothers I meet with or talk to everyday.  I try and make sure they know how badass they are, how powerful being a mother is and how much good they are doing.   I love hearing from a mother who tells me that she didn’t expect how dynamic she would feel.  I am not completely clear about how or why this happens.  Is it the extreme connection to your baby, which allows you to feel so in tune with everything they are doing?  Maybe.  Is it the pride you feel when you realize that your body is totally nourishing and sustaining the little human you created?  Possibly.  Could it be the “mama bear” mentality it awakens in mothers that make you feel like you will take on the Navy Seal Team if they mess with your baby?  Perhaps.

Honestly, I don’t care what it is that makes us feel this way.  I am just glad it happens.  Being a mother is hard enough, we need to take these moments of feeling like a superhero and make that an every day feeling.  Why not??  Who doesn’t want to feel like they can take on the world at any given moment?  There is nothing wrong with that.  The longer I work in this field the more I am amazed at how little support there is for mothers, and I realize how much support is really needed.  Reaching out to ask questions or just to look for validation is absolutely expected and necessary.

If you’re a seasoned mama (not that it makes a difference, just more experience), reach out to those brand new first time mamas.  And to all mamas, build your village.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Another H.I.V. Vaccine Fails a Trial, Disappointing Researchers

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Mega Oat Chip Cookies - Serves 10+

New decade, new goals. Who’s with me? I’ll be discussing my focuses right now and I hope this helps you get motivated!

Lots of changes have occurred since my last post. My mother passed away August 2019 after a brave battle with an aggressive rare case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL). She is forever with me and especially in my son. I welcomed a healthy little boy named Dominic Brody in November which brought joy back into our lives. The best part is that he has red hair and my mother had red hair… His toothless smile lights my heart on fire.

From the moment I knew he was going to make an entrance into this world my dietitian brain was sending me signals. I knew that breastfeeding would be the best gift I could give my son. Not every mother can breastfeed and there is nothing wrong with that but luckily I found success with breastfeeding. I have been exclusively breastfeeding which has been a real challenge while being back at work full-time. I went back to work when Dominic was 6-weeks old. This is when I began to really pay attention to the types of foods I ate since I wanted to ensure that my milk production did not decrease.

Foods that promote lactation may not always work for some women but its a good idea to ensure that your diet includes them for the overall nutritional benefits. These foods are called galactagogue foods which need to be consumed in variety and daily in the diet. These foods include: flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, fennel seeds, oatmeal, almonds, garlic, dark leafy greens, and brown rice.

So to sum up… I’m focusing on being as healthy as possible with some indulgences to ensure that my nutrition is ideal to promote lactation.

These cookies are loaded with galactagogue foods. More importantly, these cookies taste amazing so they are NOT just for you but for the whole family!


  • 3 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed meal
  • 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1 cup light or dark brown sugar
  • 1-1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup coconut oil (or butter)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup macadamia nuts (or whatever nut strikes your fancy)
  • OPTIONAL: To change up the sugar content you can decrease the amount of brown sugar and sub with 2-3 finely chopped medjool dates (tastes amazing)


  1. In a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients (including the chocolate chips and nuts) and mix.
  2. Add in the liquid ingredients and mix.
  3. Using a tablespoon or ice cream scooper – create little balls and place evenly spaced on parchment paper.
  4. Bake for 15 minutes or 20 minutes depending on how large your cookies are. If they do not flatten then use a fork to gently press them down.
  5. Enjoy with hot tea, milk, or even wine… I choose wine.

xxx – Sarah

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Saturday, February 1, 2020

FDA Approves First Treatment for Kids With Peanut Allergy


Boobie Bar Review

I’ve been using the Boobie Bars for 6 days. My sister instructed me to eat one each morning and then drink tons of water all day. I admit, I’m not that great at drinking “tons” of water. But I do drink it through out the day at work. And I don’t drink sodas or tea during the week. This 7oz came from a car pump driving home from work. For me, this is great! I even got 3oz from my left side. My electric pumps can collect between 3-5oz depending on the time of day. I can get 2-4oz from my Haakaa on each side. So I definitely see that the Boobie Bars are helping my supply. It feels so good to store my pumped milk after work, knowing that my baby has enough food to eat when I can’t be with her to nurse.

from lactation « Tag Feed
article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard