Monday, February 10, 2020

Balancing Solids with Breastfeeding

You finally get into the hang of breastfeeding and guess what?  You’re told it’s time to start solids.  How did that happen so quickly?  Weren’t you just being discharged from the hospital last week and figuring out how to get the latch down?

Don’t panic.  I agree, it is confusing.  Starting solids can feel really vague.  No one really gives you any guidance with it, they just say to do it.  How do you know when you’re ready? Or more importantly, how do you know when the baby is ready?  There is no perfect answer.  Starting solids is one of those situations that is very individual to each family.  In some cultures, starting solids is something that happens earlier rather than later.  Some babies aren’t interested in solids until closer to a year.

Whatever your situation, try and relax and have fun with it.  Babies will depend on you for a long time for their nutrition through breastmilk, so the first several months of solid foods is more experimental.  Enjoy this new time with your baby.  And good luck with the mess solid foods brings :)

129 – Balancing Solids With Breastfeeding


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