Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Lovely, Luscious "L"



Piece by piece we delve further into this sexy alphabet! So, let’s get our horny learning hats on and jump right in!

Lactation: Simply, the making of people juice. That warm, sweet stuff titties make! Many


different types of fetishes involve using breast milk in various ways, or simply in curling up on her lap and nursing as a form of comfort or age play.

LDR: This stands for a Long Distance Relationship. An example is me and my long-distance boyfriend. I’m in Oregon, he’s in Florida. (I know, I know. But we make it work, and make it work rather well!) This type of relationship is not for just anyone and requires individuals who commit to working very hard to keep emotional needs met. (And when we visit each other, physical needs too. WHEEW!)

imageLeather (used more as a culture, not just the item(s) ): A traditional style of BDSM, that was born of “Biker Gangs” and homosexual BDSM around post-WWII. This essentially started the concept of the BDSM “club”. Of course, this style grew and spread through all sorts of orientations and categories and *poop* clubs everywhere of every type. Women, known as “leatherdykes”, were allowed to participate starting around 1980, usually as an adjacent chapter (think like a grown-up kinky version of boys scouts and girl scouts). Some clubs are quite strict in structure and hierarchy. Meaning you start out as a noob and climb the ladder as you earn it over years and years. This type of system is often referred to as “old school”. There are many, many, MANY different types and subcategories. 


Librarian fetish: Yep, you read it. I mean, how could I not write about a symbol of intelligence and sexuality that’s endured for so very long?? She exists in movies, TV shows, commercials, porn, adult magazines, erotica, and the fevered imagination of men who date librarians. She quite often gets in 

the way of real librarians doing their jobs. While the role of the librarian has existed for a good long while — at least as long as there have been libraries, and there have been libraries for around 2700 years — the modern librarian, the modern female librarian, dates back to the late 19th century. 

Limits (see hard limits, soft limits): If you were being good and reading these posts of mine you would know this *wink*. Buuut, I guess I’ll humor you anyway. And, reiterate that clear communication and immense planning are literally THE BIGGEST PART OF SAFETY when it comes to playing or much of anything. Hard limits means that the subject is a total NO. Soft limits mean they’re not really sure about trying this thing, but they’re willing to give it a try. Be sure to read up on limits and safety, including my article on “Consent when you like being abused” for ideas and ways to thoroughly communicate with your play partner(s). Nobody wants a surprise that leaves lasting physical or emotional damage. And if you do, uuh, make sure your partner knows that!

Little or little boy/girl: Someone who is in the role of being a submissive, and also is engaging in age play. This does not necessarily mean there’s anything sexual involved in this play, and the mass majority does NOT connotate or encourage any sort of pedophilia.

22919258-7845815-image-m-2_1577988877411Usually, this looks more like a woman who is working very hard in day to day life. She comes home and once her day is done gets into her version of little space. This can be a variety of things, such as footsie pajamas, pigtails, and has her dominant (usually a daddy or mommy style of dominant) get her coloring books, juice box, snacks, and put on cartoons. Or it could be portrayed as a younger age or an older age. If they prefer to be a teen type age (13+) then they’re generally referred to as a middle, rather than a little. 84023234_190585895677573_3609833125099601920_nAs with any other fetish, there’s a vast array of versions depending on the needs and wants of those involved. 

(My boyfriend sent me the second picture, and I just had to use it! I LOVE THAT SWING AND NEED ONE RIGHT NOW!) 



And that brings our lickable L’s to an end for today my lovely perverts, stay sexy! As usual, if I missed or misrepresented anything, let me know!! MUAH!




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