Thursday, February 8, 2018

Set Yourself Up For Success

It seems if you are determined to do something, nothing will stand in your way. This may seem true until you have a roadblock and your determination is tested. Following through can be another story when the time comes too. It is important to remember we all are human and sometimes we make mistakes, no one is perfect. Knowing yourself and your abilities is a strength but making a plan can be just as effective.

As for breastfeeding, you may say that you want to nurse but have no idea for how long. Well, these are the things you might want to think about.

Many people, when they give birth, think that breastfeeding will be natural and in a lot of ways it is.  As mammals, we provide our young with our milk to pass on genes, give food, and protection with its many live antibodies. Around the world, new mothers are faced with the challenge of figuring out breastfeeding.  In all parts of the world, new mothers either have their mother to help them breastfeed, an experienced friend, or the assistance of a lactation consultant.

The real motivator is that you want to do it and that you find satisfaction in doing it. Anticipate there may be hard times at the beginning. With the whirlwind of sleep deprivation, hormones changes and taking care of your new newborn, a mother can feel overwhelmed.

Here are some suggestions for making your plan for breastfeeding.

Write it down

Simple yet effective. Writing your plan out sets it into motion.  I suggest buying yourself a journal in which you can start recording your goals and feelings about breastfeeding.  A therapeutic way of giving yourself confidence is by knowing what you want and recording it.  You can begin by stating,

“I welcome the opportunity to breastfeed my baby and I will be mindful of succeeding by understanding there may be challenges.”

Writing down any views or concerns you have about breastfeeding can help you reevaluate your perception of it.

Tell Someone Your Plans

Vocalizing your plan to breastfeed also reinforces the concept of following through.  By finding someone to listen and give you encouragement is your best friend of all.

Hiring a doula, who can be there for you at birth and after, can be also someone to share your goals with.  They are trained, they know how to support a new mother in the many feelings that may arise.


Affirmations are a great way to visualize and become more mindful of your goal. Here are a few that may work for you.

“I am going to breastfeed and be successful.”

“I feel confident that my breastfeeding experience will be fulfilling.”

“Breastfeeding is my ultimate goal.”

Sign up to receive daily affirmations. These can make a big difference. She has a wonderful array of positive sayings.
Reflect on your choices and own them. As a new parent, hope for the best. Be of great cheer and appoint to do better.


Anticipate Challenges

In some instances, breastfeeding has its challenges.  Maybe your baby prefers one side or your breasts are full of fluids from delivery and the baby has issues latching, whatever the challenge know that they are stepping stones to getting to your goal.  Recognizing and not giving up are mature ways of dealing with an issue.  If the problem is too difficult than seeking out professional help is the next step.

Visualize Success

Visualizing yourself breastfeeding is a great way to get started. When you’re pregnant close your eyes and visualize you are breastfeeding your baby. The soft skin against yours, so close, very intimate. Take a few minutes to ponder what it may be like to hold and feed your newborn.

Slowing down

For many of us being busy is how we live, never stopping to smell the roses. When just having a baby, life seems to have slowed down, and you aren’t as mobile as before. Your priorities change and you change your focus. What once you thought was important is shifted to another. The reality of it is for the majority of new moms is that you will be thrust into the driver’s seat of motherhood. Most people do not know until they have been there, sleepless nights barely having time to make a homemade meal.

Have a cup of tea.

When you were pregnant certain teas and herbs were not recommended but now that you are breastfeeding you can enjoy certain ones that will assist you to be healthy. Certain teas can decrease your milk and some are healthy for your milk.

Ignore naysayers

There will times when people will want to sabotage your efforts. Women especially thrive on talking (that is our inborn brain circuitry), but sometimes the tongue can get you in trouble. Unwanted advice, especially negative comments are not wanted.  Make sure you remember the saying, “If you have nothing nice to say, do not say it at all”.

Instead, try educating them about why you want to breastfeed. A lot of times those people do not understand how important it is to breastfeed.

Get a massage and give one too!

Prenatal and postnatal massage can be safe is a great way to detox before breastfeeding.  The time you are pregnant your baby is shaped by the growing baby and many of the muscles are stretched. Getting a massage, is healthy and something we all need more of.

Baby massage is done all over the world.  Some cultures spread oils and herbs on there young and do daily massages.  Find a baby massage class or educate yourself on some techniques you will see the benefits of a less fussy baby.




There are ways you can prepare yourself that the first month postpartum.

-Prepare your house. The first month should be spent enjoying your baby and resting. Having everything organized will help when you are half asleep.

-Develop a system of changing diapers.  This is big.  If you have a changing table that is great but if not then the bed is fine too.  Always have diapers, a trash bin in sight, and wipes.

– Buy a water pitcher so that you can fill your cup as much as possible.

– Taking a bath not only helps you center, it relaxes your muscles.  Herbal baths are a great way to change your mood and energize you too.

At birth, the brain is 33 percent of an adult size and its development doubles in the first 90 days. That window of time is a crucial moment to realize how important human milk is to a baby. Along with growing a better brain, breastfeeding helps with a healthy gut.


Remember when you decide to provide your baby with human milk you are making the best decision for you and your baby.

Formula companies pay big bucks in advertising(9.75 Million in 2015) to sell the idea that they are equivalent to human milk. Farther from the truth, human milk is custom to humans whereas artificial baby milk is formulated with cheap products that cause many issues for your baby long term.

Be conscious of the world of advertising around you.  
Perhaps you have noticed someone gives away formula online or received some in the mail.  The best thing to do is throw it away.  Do not doubt yourself for a minute, your breasts were meant to breastfeed and have developed for that ever since you were in your mother’s womb.
Formula is not worth the coupons
Formula costs money and having a new baby is expensive enough.   So even if you get $5.00 off a $25.00 package, you still will have to shell out $20.00 for a box of infant formula that might last you a few days.
This does not even count in the cost of bottles and nipples.  If you add a drying rack and the room to store it all in.  With all the bottles, nipples, and waste that comes from formula; you can save the environment even more by breastfeeding.
What is better to eat? Fresh, well-prepared food or packaged food? Breast milk is that fresh product whereas formula is the packaged container that was processed who knows where with no regulation.
Learning more about breastfeeding will give you the best chance to achieve your goal.
Not only is breastfeeding free and available to your infant at just the right temperature, it does not require assembly and warming.
 By breastfeeding you have less chance for all three:
1.Lessen cancer risk
2. Fewer infections
3.  Lowered risk for obesity
Breastfeeding is free. 
Breastfeeding is sustainable.
Breastfeeding is healthy.
<Disclaimer> I understand that some people HAVE to use infant formula to feed their child, this blog post is for anyone who is being tricked into thinking that formula is equal to their own milk.  If your child has the rare case of galactosemia, then you are advised not to breastfeed.
Another thing to consider too is the mother.
This list is for those mothers NOT to breastfeed their child.
“The infant whose mother:
  • Has been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), ***In the US.
  • Is taking antiretroviral medications
  • Has untreated, active tuberculosis
  • Is infected with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or type II
  • Is using or is dependent upon an illicit drug
  • Is taking prescribed cancer chemotherapy agents, such as antimetabolites that interfere with DNA replication and cell division
  • Is undergoing radiation therapies; however, such nuclear medicine therapies require only a temporary interruption in breastfeeding”
    *** According to the WHO, “On 30 November 2009, WHO released new recommendations on infant feeding by HIV-positive mothers, based on this new evidence. For the first time, WHO is recommending that HIV-positive mothers or their infants take antiretroviral drugs throughout the period of breastfeeding and until the infant is 12 months old. This means that the child can benefit from breastfeeding with very little risk of becoming infected with HIV.”

By setting yourself for success, at the beginning, will ensure you accomplish your goals to the end.

Success for breastfeeding is your decision to persevere and know that you are making the best choice for you and your child.

Faith, patience, and hope; are all traits a mother must learn when she has a child.

The mindset, one must have when achieving a goal is one of determination. To have the confidence to stand by your decision and surround oneself with others who build you up.

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article sponsered by Northern Michigan certified lactation consulting and Mother Hubbards Country Cupboard

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