Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Fabric Gift Wrap, 70 x 70 cm 100% synthetic silk - subtle purplish red, eco-friendly, machine washable cloth wrap / furoshiki bag and DIY crafts

by FabricGiftWraps (5.00 USD) http://ift.tt/1CJCagf

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Officially a Maid of Honour and DIY crafts

My older sister was engaged to the love of her life about 2 months ago. Consequently, knowing this day would come, my younger sister and I looked at each other with fiery eyes because we were about to enter The Maid of Honour Olympics.

Long story short, she ended up choosing both of us. To make it official, she surprised each of us with a beautiful package and a hand-written letter.

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Astro Doings April 2015 and DIY crafts

Hi Everyone

As you know, eclipses come in pairs and we begin April with the lunar eclipse “pair” to the solar eclipse we had in March. In addition two planets change direction this month. So, there are lots of “astro doings” this month.

Lunar Eclipse: Saturday, April 4th at 8:05 a.m. EDT

A lunar eclipse is a very strong Full Moon, where the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and the earth slips between them. All eclipses affect us physically; they also affect gravitational and electromagnetic fields, as well as the tides. This eclipse occurs at 140 Libra, i.e. the Moon is in Libra and the Sun is in Aries. The Sun is also joined by Uranus and Mercury (planets of the higher and concrete minds, respectively). Jupiter in Leo (another fire sign) trines the Sun. Lest I forget, Pluto in Capricorn squares (growth opportunity) the whole eclipse. So there are six planets involved in this event. According to Celeste Teal in her book on eclipses (Eclipses: Predicting World Events and Personal Transformation), lunar eclipses bring into awareness things that have been hidden previously. With this eclipse in Libra, relationships are stressed – how we relate to ourselves, each other and our planet. Libra and full moons represent the need to balance (think of a teeter totter) two seemingly opposing ideas or energies. This lunar eclipse will provide an excellent opportunity for letting go of old patterns of relating (Libra), balancing ourselves (Aries) and others (Libra). Initially we all may feel somewhat drained emotionally. The early stages of the eclipse will be visible before sunrise on the 4th in North America, and the whole eclipse will last for three and a half hours. Planets and other points in your chart from 9-17 degrees Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries will be “touched” by this eclipse. And, it is also right of top of (conjunct) Saturn in the US Sibly chart. Saturn in mundane astrology (charts of countries) represents the executive and in our nation’s chart is in a very visible position (10th house). It also squares the US Sun at 130 Cancer – the Sun representing the essence of who we are. The Sun is in 7th house of the chart and could signal changes in the way we deal with others in our foreign policy. However it manifests this eclipse strengthens the square between the Sun and Saturn in the US Chart – more challenging growth opportunities for us.

Jupiter: Stations direct on April 8th at 12:58 p.m. EDT

Jupiter ends his retrograde (i.e. moving from west to east by our perception) on April 8th. He’ll be at 120 Leo. Hopefully during the four months of his retrograde motion, we’ve been letting going of patterns that hold us back from expressing who we are, especially in the area of our creativity. Leo, the sign of the divine child within, urges us to express who we are in truth, to use the talents we have to the fullest, and now to take a leap of faith (Jupiter) to manifest our divinity (Leo).

Pluto: Stations retrograde on April 16th at 11:51 p.m. EDT

This change of direction of our solar system’s powerhouse of transformation (Pluto), destroyer of outmoded thinking, ways of acting and structures/systems we’ve created (Capricorn) will signal that the focus of our transforming efforts will turn inward through September. He will be in an easy flow of energy with Mars in Taurus, so energies will be present to ensure that the transformation is grounded. (Both Taurus and Capricorn are earth signs.) Some of the change in our ways of dealing with issues will hopefully be directed to Mother Earth and what is in her best interests, especially transforming our attitude that the US will never run out of resources (think oil, natural gas, water) and that we can use them as we see fit. While I think most people reading this blog are in agreement that things have to change in our attitudes toward natural resources and Mother Earth in general, our policies will need to change as well.

New Moon: Saturday, April 18th at 2:57 p.m. EDT

The Moon will be at the end of the Aries when this new Moon occurs. Like the solar eclipse in March and new moon in February, we have a “new beginning” (New Moon) at the very end of an astrological sign, signaling that beginnings and endings are points on the same continuum. It may also indicate that we’ve come to the end of how we have used our Aries energies. Aries can be brash, impulsive, putting self first without regard to others. With Aries, it’s not done intentionally – think of the energy of the newborn, who isn’t really thinking (or aware) that it’s 4 in the morning and his/her parent would rather be sleeping! The newborn only knows s/he has needs that must be met – right now! In its highest expression, Aries is the quest for High Self – so we can use these New Moon energies to stop doing what we’ve been doing (or not) in that regard, and begin to build (Taurus) a new way to express our true selves.

Sun: enters Taurus on Monday, April 20th at 5:42 a.m. EDT

By this point in April, we’ll have four planets in earth signs (Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto). It may feel like things are slowing down. We’re likely to be more deliberative, practical, less impulsive. We also have three planets in fire (Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus). Fire inspires, warms and can be rather impulsive. On the surface, these two elements are somewhat antithetical. Earth is one way to put fire out; and too much fire renders earth infertile. However, when we value what each element offers, we can take our inspirations (fire) and successfully express them in a practical and useful way (earth). We’ll have to watch and see how we use these two energies collectively – and individually in April.

Peace and abundant blessings,


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Jonny Mono's Repros! and DIY crafts

We’re proud to announce Jonny Mono’s Repros page has launched! View some of his 8 &

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Kirigami Jewel and DIY crafts

I found some instructions to make a kirigami jewel and decided to try them. I’m normally hopeless at origami, but this was fun! It took about a half hour.

Here are the instructions:


Here are examples of how it’s supposed to look:


Here’s how mine turned out. Not quite as impressive, but I’ll get there.


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NO MORE JUNK and DIY crafts

The bricked-up fireplace had been opened up again, the hole in the floor covered and the wall patche

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Dog Hammock for back seat of car! and DIY crafts

Found this on Pinterest this morning, and I think I’ll have to make it soon. Snaps refuses to wear restraints in the car – and by “refuses to wear”, I mean “waits until the car is moving and then wiggles out, when I can’t do anything about it, whereupon he may then prance free”.

I’ve been keeping a big, old cushion on the floor of the back seat where he likes to sit, because if I have to stop suddenly, he could hit the back of the driver seat with force and be flung onto the floor. It happened once when a jerk cut in front of me and I had to hit the brakes, and I felt HORRIBLE. Poor little man in the back seat!! So I’m thinking about adapting this idea for the Snapster… I’ll probably add a little wiggle hole in the middle so he can come sit on the passenger seat. He does that when he’s worried, so he can shoot me reproachful glances more effectively. lol If he’s stuck in the back seat, he just screams and screams! Oof.

So, yeah. This then. <3

DIY car safety hammock:


I know it won’t stop him from becoming a projectile in a serious crash… but a lot of the safety restraints out there wouldn’t either. This at least gives him a fighting chance and some cushion and a little direction for his fall. I shudder at the thought of a serious crash with my little dude in the car. :( Seriously, people, drive safely. There are lives in every car on the highway.

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Easter DIY: Bookish Eggs and DIY crafts

I love spring, but I’m not particularly fond of Easter, so usually I don’t decorate a lo

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Display of homebuilt submachine guns and revolvers (Belarus) and DIY crafts

A number of hand crafted submachine guns and revolvers on display at the Minsk museum of Criminology.

museumdisplayguns4674improguns homemadesmg732improguns homemaderevolver631improguns

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Make Your Dog Love You and DIY crafts

My dog Marjorie almost made me cry this morning.I’ve survived rejection plenty of times in my life– by schools, men, jobs, coffee houses that don’t carry soy products, etc –but when my alarm went off at six and my sweet, fluffy baby girl refused to climb up onto the bed and engage in our morning ritual of some light petting and cuddles before breakfast and a walk, I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was like a Bon Iver song started playing out of nowhere and I could feel my heart breaking.

You might think I’m being dramatic, but I was caught off guard. I’ve been sensing a rift for a while now, and I guess I just didn’t realize how bad it had gotten. Usually, Margie would hear my alarm, climb out of her own bed, and jump up onto mine, where she would then throw herself onto her back (usually punching me in the face repeatedly until I open my eyes) in preparation for a belly rub. This morning, though, my alarm went off, and she just lifted her head from across the room. She began, at first, to get up, but then, only halfway off the ground, she looked at me apprehensively and stopped moving completely.

Her look seemed to say, “Dude, come on. I can see you’re already awake. You don’t need me over there anymore. I’m not your fucking fluffy slave. Get your shit together,” and then she plopped right back down in her own bed.

I returned her look with the incredulous stare made popular by mothers everywhere that says, “Oh, I’m so sorry for feeding you, putting a roof over your head, providing daily belly rubs, and walking into the great 15 fucking degrees outdoors with you every goddamn morning. I guess I just can’t do anything right anymore.”

She responded by making an unimpressed “Mrrrrrrr” noise quite similar to one made by Marge in The Simpsons, then getting up, passing my bed, and walking away into the living room, all, “Let me know when breakfast’s ready, biotch.” Cue Bon Iver.

I don’t know what I did to deserve her distaste. I’d like to think I’m a really good dog owner. I take her on multiple walks every day, shower her with affection, and always buy the more expensive dog food varieties. The real kicker is that she absolutely loves my boyfriend, and it’s like, yeah, okay, I get it, he’s super sweet and playful and he lets you pull on the leash sometimes, but, like, I’m the one that saved your ass from doggy shelter execution, girl. LOVE MEEEEEE.

Anyway, I’m going to be proactive about this. I’ve got to stop this h8 train before it leaves the station. I’ve come up with a few ideas to MAKE. HER. LOVE. ME.

1. UTILIZE ‘UNIQUE’ PET VOICE: If you’re an obsessed pet owner, you’ve probably already got one of these. You know, that super high, kind of nasally, pre-school-y voice that all your friends think is totally annoying but that you can’t really stop using around your pet even if you try? That one. Use it to your full advantage. Turn the excessiveness of that voice up enough that even your dog hates it, and then turn it up some more. Tell your dog, in your dog voice, to come give you kisses. When your dog refuses, tell them again. and again. and again. Eventually, your dog will hate the sound of your dog voice so much that she will have no choice but to come shower you with doggy affection in order to make it stop.


2. PICK UP YOUR DOG: All the time. Every time you see her. Every time she walks into a room. Even if you have a big dog. Maybe even especially if you have a big dog. And really hold her close, even when she squirms to get away. She may act like she’s uncomfortable or hates it, but deep down, she’ll know you care.


3. SLEEP ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BED: If you’re in a relationship (or even if you just share a bed with your Mom) and you sleep on the inside of the bed, it is essential that you switch places with your partner RIGHT NOW. You need to show your dog that you are accessible 24/7. More importantly, you need to force your dog to accept your love over your partner’s. When your dog climbs up onto the bed to say hello, you must be the Berlin Wall of beds and keep your puppy in your own sweet, loving, totalitarian arms.


4. GOSSIP ABOUT YOUR PARTNER: Tell your dog secrets when your significant other isn’t around. Lie if you have to, but make sure your dog knows without a doubt that your love is steadfast whilst your partner’s dog-love is shifty at best. Say things like, “Listen, I don’t want to hurt you, but you deserve to know the truth…He told me he’d walk you to the end of the Earth…just to throw you off,” or, “He doesn’t even like you that much…the other day he de-tagged a picture of himself with you on facebook and said he was sick of being associated with a fatty,” and then follow with compliments like, “you’re sooo beautiful and good and slender!” or “I would walk you to the end of the Earth and then take an end of the Earth selfie with you and post it as my prof. pic.”


5. EMPTY THREATS: If nothing else seems to be working, it’s probably because nothing says I love you more than meaningless threats. I mean, don’t be rude or anything. Definitely use your dog voice and start out with, “I love you, sweet baby of my soul, but…” and then just let ‘em rip. Explain that you’ll have to move to Bushwick, a million miles away from the park if she doesn’t start allowing you to give her belly rubs. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and ask her over the roar if she would rather be cleaned like the carpet or walk side by side with you. Tell her you’ll take her back to the high-kill shelter in Arkansas if she doesn’t get over here and cuddle with you right the Hell now.


Maybe these suggestions seem harsh, but really, what pet could resist such pure and passionate affection? To quote Queen Elizabeth, “Life is harsh, man. Woof.” You’ve got to do whatever it takes to force your dog into your outstretched arms. Feel free to try all five ideas out at home with your own pets and let me know how great they work, because you’re welcome.

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DIY Mini Greenhouses and DIY crafts

DIY greenhouses to protect your plants from rabbits and deer - I just used stuff from our recyle bins - awesome!

Spring is here! My tulips are sprouting, hurrah. Apparently, however, the rabbits think of them as an all you can eat salad bar. They have chewed a bunch of them down to nubs.

To try to keep the wasscaly wabbits from eating any more, I made some DIY mini greenhouses. I grabbed some empty containers from our recyle bin and cut them so the bottoms would be open, and poked some air holes in. I attached them to the ground with push-in gardening staples that I had leftover from a landscaping project.

I ended up reusing a strawberry clamshell container, a little milk bottle from a happy meal, a couple of soda bottles, a gallon milk jug, and an apple juice container. The white milk containers look “unique” in the flower bed (AKA not a lot of curb appeal), so I plan on replacing them with clear containers that blend in a little better and don’t look so obvious.

Sun, and air, and water can go in, and (fingers crossed!) rabbit teeth will stay out. Happy gardening!

DIY mini greenhouses - upcycle milk containers soda bottles and more

gardening tips and tricks - reuse containers and attach with lawn staples - awesome way to recycle AND keep rabbits away

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Fabric Gift Wrap, 70 x 70 cm 100% synthetic silk - solid sky blue, eco-friendly, machine washable fabric wrap / furoshiki bag and DIY crafts

by FabricGiftWraps (5.00 USD) http://ift.tt/19z8fvL

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Cat's Protection fish and stripy fish design added


So if you can remember I donated toys to the cat’s protection and I was not well enough at all to go when my husband took them in.

I received a letter from them telling me about how the cats love them.

So I have been making fish in cat’s protection colours :)

This also means I am adding stripy fish to my collection too :)

charity knits for animals

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DIY Vision Board. and DIY crafts

I found this awesome tutorial on how to make a vision board . Personally i made one of these lately with my last year of highschool approaching. I will be applying to collages or universities. So i made a vision board to keep me motivated and focus to what i’m working towards etc. this is perfect for anyone really many ways to use it.

5a46cc68ea803a82cbc941562c9cdf98 This is an example of a vision board.

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Easter With Cricut and DIY crafts

Hey! It’s only Tuesday, but it feels like it should be Friday already! I miss dropping in as f

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30 Days, Day 7: Pop-Up

I really enjoy making greeting cards for various occasions, and sometimes like to do a simple pop-up, but there are such cool pop-ups in existence, I thought it might be fun to try to learn how to do something more intricate.

I found this cool website, RobertSabuda.com, who did this really cool Alice in Wonderland, among many other impressive pop-up books. His site has a “Make Your Own Pop-Ups” section, here. I decided to try out the Ark pop up.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Now I want to try some of the other ones and eventually try to make up some of my own. Anyway, this was fun.

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Home, Lime (and some lemon) Home and DIY crafts

A pop of color never hurt anyone.

We currently do not have any neon details at our home however as we plan to move to a bigger place by next New Years time, I already start searching for some out.of.this.world kinda details :)

It comes down to that – I love LIME! Not only with my Mexican food or my soda though… Around my house, and mostly with a splash of neon.

Neon Pop

neon door

flat folding grater

color block vase

Pocket door.

Love those happy cabinets

neon door


Coffee table

Neon #color #neon

Coups de coeur | À la mode Montréal

Neon bed legs

Farrow and BallHappy

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Aloe Vera: Your new beauty best friend and DIY crafts

After my trip from Cancun and being bathed under the sun for countless hours, my skin got irritated

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Mood Board Update: Blues in Spring


Quite a change from the previous pink, I went for blues and clean lines with this board. All the blues and water references make me think it is my subconscious begging for rain this April. We Californians can’t help it, water is exciting. After England, I feel a bit dry in my natural habitat.


This navy tag of threads was one of those from given to me by a Frenchie for Christmas while the boat illustration came in my vintage paper pack bought at an English Vintage Fair.


I really love this playing card, it’s simple but a bit ‘boho’ in nature. I also love that it’s feminine without being girly.

Stay inspired and I hope you create something you love this Spring!

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Wall Hooks In Place! Finally. and DIY crafts

wall hooks - handmade - on the wall

It’s one thing seeing your completed wall hooks on your desk but it’s a whole other thing seeing them on the wall and being used.

wall hooks - handmade - bedroom wall

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Sew Fun: Making a Bag Lining

Haha, I conquered the sewing machine yesterday! Remember, I am not a seamstress. But we have a sewing machine from my daughter’s short-lived obsession with sewing, and I really wanted my purse lining. So like I did several months ago with the hot pink crochet purse, I pulled out the machine determined to do it myself.

I pressed the fabric and laid it out on the table. I decided I wanted the silky part of the fabric on both sides. Since the bag didn’t felt completely, there are little holey spots where the fabric will show through. I decided I would just do a rectangle, rather than try to mimic the curve of the bag, since I’m a novice at this sewing thing. I’m certain I didn’t do it the “proper” way (my SIL would probably cringe. Or laugh.) but I ended up with an open bag-type rectangle that should work just fine. Yes, it’s bigger than the bag. Oops. My eyeballing it measuring was not exact. But I’m certainly not going to scrap it and try again. It’ll be fine. It’s pinned in and ready for the hand-sewing portion. Whee. *she said sarcastically*IMG_1815 The funny thing is, I’ve kind of had a lot of fun each time I pull out the sewing machine. And it’s really cool that I can just…make stuff. But no, I don’t need another hobby. And I certainly don’t need to start a fabric stash! Right? Right. … But I could start making my own little project bags. That would be fun…

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Nature painting and DIY crafts

Lately, Peeper is fascinated by combining complementary things. “Together!” she cries, popping a bite of cheese and hot dog into her mouth, or “Pomegranate on top!” while balancing a seed on a forkful of peas and tofu.

Her enthusiasm makes me think of the scene in Ratatouille when Remy discovers how two tastes together can pop like fireworks or melt together for a transcendent out-of-body experience.

ratatouille-gifs-3142-19317-hd-wallpapers The other day, I followed her lead. Peeper loves art, and she loves the outdoors. So voila: nature painting!

Toddler Nature Painting - ten Thousand Hour Mama With a bucket in tow, we set out on a walk in our neighborhood. We picked up bits of this and that, dropping rocks and fallen pine boughs in with a plunk. Peeper soon caught a taste for collecting, and before long her bucket held an abundance of nature’s detritus.

Toddler bucket walk - Ten Thousand Hour mama Toddler Nature Bucket - Ten Thousand Hour mama Back at home, I set up an array of stems, sticks and blossoms for Peeper to dip in the paint in lieu of a brush. Even Eric jumped in, helping her stamp daisies and roll rocks around the paper.

Of course the arts and crafts session ended as they always do, with Peeper elbow-deep in finger paint. We’re way past trying to keep anything clean; my motto is embrace the mess.

More often than not, that turns into embrace the fun.

Toddler and Dad Nature Painting - Ten Thousand Hour mama Toddler and Dad Nature Painting - Ten Thousand Hour Mama

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Despicable Me Minion Footprints

We have a big minion fan in this house so Izzy was pretty excited when I suggested we make some minion footprints!


I painted Izzy’s foot half yellow and half blue to make the minions body, and Clara’s teeny tiny foot made a perfect purple minion.


They made two pictures and I then painted on the goggles and mouths using acrylic paint. Instead of the G on the yellow minions dungarees, I painted an ‘I’ for Izzy, and a ‘C’ for Clara.


You could make a whole army of minions!

Please like Kizzy, Izzy and Baby on Facebook, follow me @kizzy1984 on Twitter or @kizzyandizzy on Pinterest for more like this.


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