Monday, March 30, 2015

Moving out: Packing, Sorting and getting rid of all that junk and DIY crafts

Student living is one of those things in life we all have a love/hate relationship with. One one hand, we have fled the nest and we get to do whatever we want whenever we want. On the other hand (unless you’re really lucky) you are living in a small, dingy rental apartment/house/dorm and your budget is tight.

For the 4 years of my undergrad I lived the life of mismatched furniture decor that I carried with me from high school and finally as I moved onto my post graduate program and into my own (still small and dingy) apartment I realized it was time to face the facts; I need to decorate my apartment so its presentable.

I want to chronicle the steps that I am taking to create the most awesome DIY/Ikea/Student Budget apartment of my dreams. The first step is downsizing my baggage I will be taking to my new place. This is really important because you realize when you start to pack up your entire life that you accumulate a lot of crap over the years. The following is my advice on how to downsize your things if you are a complete hoarder like myself.

  • Be realistic

If you never use it now, you likely wont be using it in the future.

Does it take up unnecessary space?

Have you ever worn it?

Is it broken?

Do you have something better than serves the same purpose?

Can you create/buy/find something better?

Is it out of style?

If check off anything on this list, it is likely that you should get rid of it. Im not saying throw it out, You can sell it, donate it, put it in storage at your parents house ( if they will let you).

  • Make piles

I have slowly been packing over the past couple of months and discovered something really shocking… I have a lot of stuff. If I have taken a look at my check list that I wrote out above and I decided that I am keeping something I will pack it away in a box, If it is new, barely used, could be useful to someone else then I put it in bags so I can give it to goodwill, and finally if it is OLD UNDERWEAR ( don’t donate that its criminal) or anything that has seen its final days I put it right where it belongs: in the trash. This is a great way of sorting your things out. If I really cant decide if I should keep something I will put it aside and bring it back later, if i haven’t decided on a logical purpose for it yet, ill get rid of it.

  • Take your time

Rushing the moving/sorting/packing process is a terrible thing to do. Things could get left behind and you could end up literally paying people to move your junk and garbage. My last tip is to take 15 minutes out of your day and pack something up, start with things you can live without first and make the last boxes you pack up things that you need every single day. This takes the stress out of moving and also serves as a great way to spend time doing something productive instead of being shlumped on the couch watching Netflix.

Hopefully these tips are helpful in some way for you! Happy Packing and Sorting.

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