Wednesday, February 25, 2015

frugal february - painted flats

As February comes to an end, our budget remains pretty stable. We have yet to go over our small living budget but I had enough to borrow from different categories to spend $30 on 6 pairs of flats. I also had a lot of Crafter’s all purpose acrylic paint, paint brushes and some waterproofing boot sealant to make these flats happen.


It all started when I decided to paint my own shoes. Video games are pretty much my amusement when it comes to down time during LO’s naps and Super Mario was a favourite growing up. So that’s what I did for myself.

A few moments looking for a cheap pair of flats or shoes I decided to paint LO’s godmother (Aunty Bibi), my good friend Angèle and my mum a pair for helping out with the party for LO.

I started with all this stuff.


ignore the messy craft table

I wasted a lot of time cutting a stamp out because it ended with the flats looking like this.


So I tried to fix them as nice as possible free hand so they would look like this.


I then took the end of my paint brush and made dots randomly on the flats and added 3 smaller dots.


When I finished them, I took a heart stamp and some pink paint and made cute little hearts on the heel.

heartstamp heartheels

These were my first painted shoes that I made and then I made two other pairs. I have 3 more pairs to go!


I free-handed the others and used the backs of paint brushes for perfect circles. I wrapped some of them in pretty little boxes and will be giving them to their respected giftees. I sprayed a coat of water-proof sealant on them after letting them dry for 12 hours. After 24 hours I sprayed them a second time just to be sure.


These ones are also for me

On another note, I have 11 tomato plants that have sprouted. They are so little and growing fast. I hope I can get them outdoors before the cat notices them!

tomatoplant1 tomatoplants2

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