Sunday, February 1, 2015

Instagram and What I've been up to!

I’ve come to the Social Media darkside and joined Instagram.

If you are a long time follower, you know Winter is my slow season for blogging. I’ve been doing some side work consulting in social media and Instagram is what everyone wants. So here I am, being hip and with it.

Follow me, my handle is the same: Craftyyuppie

In other news, I’ve been swamped! I have a commissioned knitting project in the works. I’m knitting in exchange of ski lessons. More on that later!

I’ve also been super busy on the mom front. Spawnbeast had his first ER trip and another scare occurred where we found out Quinn shows he is super bonded to Spawn. He alerted us when something was amiss. Quinn’s mom is a medical alert dog for seizures, so it’s amazing Quinn seems to have the same intuition. Anyway, lots going on!

Stay tuned, I’m going out with the girl tonight! We’re painting with a twist and getting hibachi! Will share the fun with you!

Stay tuned…

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