Monday, February 2, 2015

New Beginning and DIY crafts

Hello All,

New year came and went and things go on in the same way every year.

Well there was no new year resolution post last year and nothing this year too..

End of last year, I was serious about knitting a proper Finished Object. And eventually after hours of browsing and few mins of swatching.

2014-12-05 08.49.36

I selected this pattern: TomBoy Cardigan

The pattern was intended for a beginner and I would say, it was very easy. I was stuck at few places but fellow raveller Manasa(Mughdamanasa) from helped me in each stage.

I got more confidence and in first week of Jan I finished the sweater.

Other details in pics :-)

The Front with 3 ribs

2015-01-05 17.34.22

And the plain black.

2015-01-05 17.34.38

The sleeves are contiguous sleeves as the designer explains. I followed to dot.

I did not know in which direction to pick up stitches for sleeve and so did it wrong direction. Then turned the sweater inside out and purled on wrong side in round. Yes I knitted the sleeves in round using magic loop method.

Well, now I’m searching for knitting patterns and marking favorites( needless to mention my To Do Immediately and To do Someday list). The irony is I’m attracted by a pattern by its beauty more than its usage.

Now I already made this sweater and Harshini has one another jacket and store bought sweater. Now making more sweaters now is not much useful but I want to try at least a couple of beautiful cardigans I have added to favorites.

And I was busy whole of January with travels, B’day and Annual day celebrations along with MIL’s cataract operation, so I have not touched anythign crafty..

Nevertheless, let me atleast start a knit project soon.



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