Sunday, March 1, 2015

Chapter Four New Attitude

Here is where the real changes begin. I don’ exactly believe in karma, but I do believe you get out of life what you put into it. If you want anything to change you must first start with you. Think about your attitude. Everyone has things about themselves they want to change. If you are looking for a new and improved life that means you will need a new and improved attitude. Looking inside. Imagine you are in a dark room. It is big and empty. You can’t see, you’re feeling around, stumbling in the dark. You don’t know where you are. You are lost. As you are feeling around you find a chair. So, now you have a navigation point. Where ever you go from this point you will be able to navigate from this position. It becomes a fixed point for you. You know where you are relative from your fixed position. You are no longer completely lost.

It is the same for our moral compass. You have to have a fixed point. Some place that the needle points to. Some thing completely pure and moral. An absolute good. Will we ever be that perfect, no, obviously not, but we need that point of reference to determine right from wrong. The immoral world wants to remove such a fixed point of reference to slide that point wherever they want to justify themselves doing anything they want. Steal, murder, rape. Would you go out and do these things? Why, we were raised with a fixed moral compass, but there are many who do. We know these are wrong. Why, we were raised this way, but many are falling away from that in this world.

Consider this. What is a monster? Monsters are very real. A monster is a creature with no conscience. No one is born this way. People fall into the darkness and are consumed. Darkness exists at the very end of a broad spectrum of light. You get there after a long period of bad choices one after the other. Eventually you loose sight of goodness and yourself. People end up there for many reasons. Usually from influence of others. They fall into the pitfalls of hatred, jealousy, anger, fear, greed, pride, loneliness. Once they get to the end of the spectrum and they fall off, they can’t see the good anymore. Not in the world and not in themselves. They feel as though the world hates them and is against them. They can only see it if someone else shows it to them. People can be influenced in the right ways also, by others actions. Everyone is a force in the world. It is up to you to decide which direction you will go.

To be introspective lets break it up into a format. The seven deadly sins are popular.


Anger in itself is not bad. It is a human emotion. It is a part of life and it can be helpful at times. It is one of the hardest to control. It is when it is allowed to flourish that it becomes harmful. When it leads to cruelty and oppression. When it leads you to intentionally and purposefully hurt others and fill you with hatred. It poisons your life and your relationships with others. In ways you may not even notice.

Consider this, when you hold hatred in your heart you are allowing that person to control you. You are allowing that person to influence your decisions. Example, if you go to a restaurant and leave because they are wont shop somewhere because you know they are there or might be there you are letting them decide where you will eat or shop.

A friend of mine used to be very thin. She has issues with her father. When he told her she was too thin and should put on weight, this fueled her to loose even more weight. Not because she wanted to. Not for herself. Because of what her father said. She allowed him to control her. To make a decision for her. She will hate me for saying that, but it is true. He influenced her and made her do it because of her feelings towards him.

I have my own issues with my father. He was a very angry man. He kept things tense in our home. He often made my mom cry and the fighting and yelling. I grew to resent him allot. I would sometimes do things out of spite. He was looking for a gun cleaning kit to clean his guns he kept loaded in the desk drawer. I found it in the barn and hid it. You have to watch how you allow others behavior to influence what you believe to be right and doing the right thing. Not to let people turn you into something you don’t want to be. Once you do something you can’t take it back. You can change but what is done it is done forever. What is said can’t be unsaid. Don’t let bad people turn you into something you hate. Something you don’t want to be.

What happens when you hate? When hate begins to consume you. It spreads to every area of your life. Every part is effected (or infected). It does poison your relationships and friendships both present and future. I have a friend who hates muslims. I can still remember when it started. It consumed her to the point it was all she talked about. No conversation we had did not turn toward her hatred. It got to the point I was considering trying to avoid talking to her altogether. I used to value her opinion and thoughts, but it didn’t want to hear it constantly. Even the smallest conversation about nothing at all would turn around. She couldn’t see how it had changed her. I just wanted to scream, “Can’t we have a normal day without all this!”

How to get a handle on your anger, identify it, see it for what it is. Learn gentleness and patience.

Hear is an experiment to help.

Blow bubbles to cultivate gentleness and patience.

What you will need

A bowl

water with dawn or dishwashing liquid or you can just buy a bottle of bubbles solution

a straw. Cut the end of the straw in four long slits and fold them back where they form an “X”.

Dip the end into the solution and begin to blow the bubbles as large as you can. It takes patience and a gentle touch.

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