Saturday, March 28, 2015

Only about a month behind :) and DIY crafts

Ahoy, ye land lubbers.

Life has been a little crazier than lately, the few times I have time to write this blog, I just end up falling asleep. Between school projects, and work, and boat renovations, and every other errand ever… I’m a little worn out!

But let’s see if I can remember all of the excitement I’ve been experiencing…

Two days after my last post, we were hit with more wintry weather.. the docks at the marina were getting bogged down with ice, and the ends up them dipped in to the water- it was a little scary, but we knew we were safe. Sadly, one of the docks was less structurally sound– I left for work one morning and saw a dock went down and it took a beautiful Chris Craft with it. I met the owner of the downed boat, he was obviously upset- but no one was on the boat when it happened, so it wasn’t a total loss.


A lot of boats, including ours, are tied pretty tightly to the dock, for good reasons, but the short ties this time forced the boat under with the dock. Even though out boat is tiny, we happen to stay in a slip with massive boats, I joked that our dock wouldn’t go under because the boats were probably keeping it afloat.

A few days later, I came home to see the boat had been erected from it’s watery grave! The dock brought itself back up after the ice melted over the next few days, they brought the boat up after that.


Currently, the boat isn’t under the dock anymore. I’m not sure if the owner removed it completely or if it’s just being restored; I’m glad they got it out, but I would expect a lot of damage from 3 or 4 days submerged.

Nothing exciting happened for a while, school got cancelled for a few days and we were snowed in, but I appreciated the time to work on school work!

Speaking of which, one was a Garbology project. I am in school to become an archaeologist, and as novices our professors don’t want us performing real excavations, so we had to do more modern archaeology… going through garbage.


Photo taken by my mom :) My partner, Joey, and I worked together to sift through garbage of two communities- similar in income, but different in age- would spend money on different things. We were hoping to find that the older community spent more money on health items, and the younger group partied more- but the 200 pounds of garbage we went through found our hypothesis wrong. Not opposite, but there was really no correlation. We did discover that college students don’t recycle as much as old people. It didn’t really help our project though. However! We took an extra step and signed up for MTSU’s Scholars Week, we had to get our project done over a month earlier than anyone else to have a poster ready to present. Joey represented us beautifully, as our project won First Place in the College of Liberal Arts. That’s a pretty big deal. :) I was shocked, and still don’t really believe it.

So St. Patrick’s day rolled around, and I’ve never had green beer. We were going to go to a bar and get one, but we had just worked out and wanted to go home.

So Jason bought me some green food coloring and the fixing for tacos and we had an Irish Fiesta at home


Life is certainly better on a boat.:)

We went to a fashionably late St Patrick’s day party with a big slew of friends at an Irish Pub in Nashville. I ordered fish and chips, Jason ordered Irish Nachos. Which, unbeknownst to him, included most of his least favorite foods: gravy, green peas, hamburger meat. So, long story short, I didn’t get to eat my fish and chips, but the nacho’s came with sour cream, so I was a happy camper.


After dinner, it was the best selfie we could get- I left my selfie stick at home.



Erika paddled a kayak all by herself, we went a little bit out of the marina before she got a little too ornery and we had to turn around. A 45 minute paddle is a lot of a 7 year old first timer, but I was proud of her for most of it.

Jason and I have a lot of goals to accomplish, and I always want to go on trips. So to keep me busy, and not trip planning, I’ve decided to mark some other items off of my bad ass list. One of them is getting my permit to carry. I don’t know if I will ever actually carry a weapon regularly, I just want to be allowed to. I have a goal to be licenced for as many things as possible.


The officer teaching the course said I was worse than his daughter about selfies.


He then said this was worth a selfie and that hewas proud of me.

Also, one of my goals is to do a pull up. Jason has been wanting to workout regularly, I work at a gym- I don’t see why we can’t make this happen. It is annoying driving there twice a day, but I’ve’ already added about 10-15 pounds to all of my max weights in our strength tests! We go about 3-4 times a week, the only thing getting me through it is asking, ‘this is helping with my pull up?’ while straining to do a 40 pound bicep curl (using both arms…) After I accomplish a pull up, I want to be about to do a push up from a hand stand. Jason said we needed to do shoulder presses for that.. with the machine we had at work, I could hardly do my set of 8 with zero added weight. So I have a way to go, yet.

This coming Friday, I’m going to a boating safety class to get my boating licence- a requirement for boaters born after January 1, 1989. Again, I don’t intend on moving the house boat, or ever actually commanding a vessel- but it’ll be nice to know the rules of the channel better.

For Jason’s Christmas present, I got him adventure beers- or four of his favorite beers that we had to go do things for him to be able to drink, one was a concert of his choice, so I finally made good on that and March 25, we went to see Father John Misty. I suffered through most of the show standing almost all the way up at the front of the stage (I generally have a thing against people, loud noises, and staying out late- but I keep going to concerts anyway.)


I snuck this, even though we weren’t supposed to. It was a really great show, I really enjoyed it– but we decided we were going to stick to concerts where sitting down was an option. :p

Lastly, we’re doing more renovations! This time, Jason had a beef with the plastic shower insert.


So late one Sunday night, he just ripped it out. Today, he is working with his friend Tom to put a new tiled shower in, it’ll have a bigger space to shower and won’t be as shoddily done. The boat we first bought is hardly recognizable anymore.

This ended up a lot longer than I thought it would, but a lot happens in a month! I’ll try to be better about this, I keep saying that, but I mean it this time!

The Adventure Continues,


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