Friday, March 27, 2015

Orange Peel Candle and DIY crafts

Orange peel candle

Orange peel candle

So, the latest of my projects has been to attempt a candle made from the peel of an orange. Every where I looked, the directions seemed extremely easy. There were a few variations but most are as follows:

  • Peel the orange, being careful maintain the stem-like part in the middle.

  • Fill the bottom of the peel with oil (I used olive oil).

  • Light the stem-like part as you would a wick and enjoy!

Now, I did the first two steps with ease. However, upon trying to light the “wick” it was not lighting. It took me a while to actually light it because the stem had to dry out and begin to burn in order to act like a wick. The flame caught and I had a neat little candle made from the peel of an orange. My candle lasted for about 30 minutes and there was no scent, so maybe next time I can add a bit of essential oil and see how that works. I’ll keep you posted!!

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