Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Wall

Walls, one of life’s most consistent hang-ups. They come in a sudden, unpredictable rhythm, and when encountered, they seem impenetrable. The bigger the wall, the more hopeless you feel. Walls like, Sickness, Loss, Addiction, and Divorce. They leave us feeling helpless, and desperate to overcome what seems impossible.

If you’re human and think like me, I used to ask myself “If God is so powerful and loves us so much, then how could he allow these walls to pop up in our lives knowing they would cause us pain.”

Now I don’t and won’t pretend to know all the answers because the fact or the matter is we were never meant to have a one hundred percent understanding of the world in the first place.

So I got to thinking… As we already know, walls are seemingly apart of life. I can remember that some of the greatest moments of growth in my life have happened in the process of overcoming a hopeless situation. As I sat there pondering about the common factor apparent in all my situations, there was only one thing, one being, that was always present. God. Yes, God! Whether I listened for his voice or not, in the end he was always there.

Moses was cornered against the red sea with the worlds strongest army breathing down his neck.

Gideon was an army of 300 against 300,000.

David, just a weak shepherd boy, stood up against a giant.

All of which were hopeless cases, yet every one of them conquered because of their faith in God.

You see, as I read through my bible, God ends up always using an ordinary person to do extraordinary things. I cannot think of one single person who faithfully walked with God without first facing a wall. So as you face your troubles in life, just remember that you will never meet a tenacious or strong person that had a yielding, easy past. No matter the situation you’re facing, realize you cannot do it on your own, put your faith in the great “I am” and he will always carry you through it.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.” -MLK


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