Friday, March 6, 2015

Vacation, Family, Experiments and one big mistake...or was it?

Hawaii was great! A much needed break from this crazy Alaska winter we’ve been having. We heart Kona!!!

But, I can’t say we returned more relaxed than when we left – we were at the beach and snorkeling everyday, drove to Volcano National Park, swam in a hot spring, enjoyed the local flora and fauna among may other things. It was busy and our days were full and we squeezed every minute of fun out of that trip that we could.

Sophie and Maya at the beach.

Sophie and Maya at the beach.

A Pinwheel Hibiscus at the Kona Brewing Co.

A Pinwheel Hibiscus at the Kona Brewing Co.

One of the many protected sea turtles we saw

One of the many protected sea turtles we saw

Maya with a triceratops chameleon

Maya with a triceratops chameleon


Cool plant at botanical garden in Hilo

Cool plant at botanical garden in Hilo

The girls

The girls

Orchid at botanical garden in Hilo

Orchid at botanical garden in Hilo

Cool leaf from botanical garden in Hilo

Cool leaf from botanical garden in Hilo

Once we did return home, it was back to our normal, crazy schedule, plus we had family in town so busy, busy, busy. I did have time one afternoon to make some home-made cookies that were AMAZING! I got the recipe from the Rachel Ray show. Aren’t they yummy looking – well, they taste even better than they look.

Find the recipe here: Grants Chocolate Chip Cookies

Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Cookies

Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Cookies

And soon after my home-made cookies were devoured, Girl Scout cookies came in. So, there was the rush to divide and deliver those suckers (which we’re still in the process of doing).

Girl Scout cookies!

Girl Scout cookies!

And in between all this fun, I’ve had the opportunity to play with a new ‘experimental’ watercolor technique called ‘pour painting’. I saw a couple video’s about it on YouTube and it intrigued me, so I tried it. These two paintings are my 3rd and 4th attempt at this style. I’m enjoying it very much.



Camo Salmon

Camo Salmon

And finally, what is this one big mistake that I mentioned? Well, I finally got weak…and signed into…pinterest. I’ve been avoiding it for so long. I knew once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop. And I was right (as Bruce always tell me) ;-). In the last two days I’ve spent HOURS on there. Oh, well. Maybe it will help bring more creativity in cooking, crafts and clothes into our home. And I can link my new Etsy shop – to my pinterest board. So, I guess if there’s a chance to get more views to my stuff, it’s actually good business sense to get onto pinterest. I just have to set time limits! It’s SOOOOO addictive!!!

Take Care!

Kim Sherry

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