Friday, January 30, 2015

A New Craft and DIY crafts

I am like the rest of the women in the world that love Pinterest. I could spend hours pinning recipes, picture ideas, things I find funny, crafts, and if I get sucked into the baby/kid stuff I could get lost for days. There are just so many cute ideas! I blame Pinterest for re-inspiring my desire to sew. I am by no means an experienced sewer, I have made 1 quilt (with a lot of help from my mom) and tried a couple very simple patterns (again with help.)

Over the past 7 years the craft I practiced was knitting. I really enjoy it, but I tend to get bored with bigger projects that take a long time and I either leave them sit on the needles or rip them apart. I can’t even tell you how many WIPs (work in progress) that I have sitting around half finished on my needles. So I decided I needed a new challenge and I chose sewing. The only thing stopping me was my lack of a sewing machine, which was remedied over Christmas.

So far I’ve only tried a few simple projects like blankets, bibs, and burp cloths. Overall I think I’m doing well, especially for teaching myself starting with the basics. My husband probably doesn’t enjoy our dinning room looking like this all the time now. I guess we will just have to make sure we add a craft room to the ‘must have’ list for our next house.


My first 2 projects were this bib and burp cloth set. (Don’t get any ideas. They were super cheap remnants and I wanted to start with small projects.) I wasn’t too thrilled with how they came out, but it’s a learning experience, right?


Next I tried a McCall’s pattern for baby pajama pants that came out too small for my little man… Oops!


Then I decided to try playing with minky. I think I am going to have a love/hate relationship with that material. It is a bit temperamental to work with, but I do love the softness, especially for blankets like this one I made for my boy. I added the wavy stitching along the edge for some added flare and I really like how it came out. (And of course, it had to be giraffes.)


I have made several other projects that unfortunately I can’t post pictures of because they are gifts that I haven’t given yet, but I will show you one that I made tonight that is a very quick and easy project. I wanted to try sewing with terry cloth and since I have several friends and cousins expecting babies, I decided contoured burp cloths were the way to go. Here is a sneak peek of one of them. (If you’re the lucky lady that is receiving this gift, act surprised.)


Next up I have a very special project that I am beyond excited about and can’t wait to dig into. Stay tuned to see what it is!

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