Saturday, January 31, 2015

DIY Free Organizing and DIY crafts

Lately I’ve been in a organize everything around me mood. I don’t know what has brought it on, but I like it. I recently spent several days scavenging the internet for DIY organizing tips. Together I combined a ton of ideas to create what I now have. Some of this stuff was partly my own ideas and working with what I had. But most of it, I found through Pintrest and other sites. All of the items used to organize are stuff you have around your home. It’s so simple and doesn’t look cheesy.

To start off we’ll look at my wall:

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There’s a couple of things over the top of my desk.

  • The two frames I found at the dollar store last year. Super cool find and perfect for my college dorm.

  • I used a hanger to display my sunglasses and a cute “Save the Date” bookmark for my friend’s wedding.

  • On the side, I made a headband hanger. This took a bit more of work on my end, but I made it that way. I took a Quaker Oats container and spray painted it with some spray paint I already had. Another alternative would to be to use some cool duck tape and go around the container. Then I took some purple ribbon, which I also already had, and strung it through the container. I tied the ends and hung it on my command strip. Then just add your headbands and you’re done.

  • In the middle is just a manila folder that I pinned to the wall. It’s purpose is those random thoughts that come to me throughout the day and I never have a place to write them. I possibly might find a better way to do it, but for now this works.

Before my desk was a cluttered mess, by organizing everything this is now what it looks like:

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There’s not really a DIY in this. But I did declutter my desk. I also used a mirror in my room that was literally serving no purpose and placed it sideways on my desk. I currently love it. Also, my Olaf box frame is on my desk which just makes me happier.

Moving along we have the top drawer of my desk which now contains my makeup:

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Before my makeup was in a big bag and it was just a cluttered catastrophe. I hated it. Now, I have my make up all sorted.

  • For this DIY all you need is a cereal box. You’re going to cut the box in small strips. I got 4 strips out of one box and ending up cutting them down. These organized my makeup by: mascara, bronzer and blush, foundation and primer, and eyes and lips. I really love this. I feel so relived and doing my makeup is no longer going to be a scavenger hunt.

The next drawer contains my hair products & jewelry:

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  • I used the same model for the jewelry except I used different box types. I used a hot chocolate box and cut it in half for the bracelets and watches. For my other bracelets and earrings(under my glasses case, sorry) I used a phone case box. The last two sections I cut a 24 pack popcorn box in half and placed my hair accessories inside. This is so cute and it literally cost me nothing.

The last drawer is kind of a fail, but a step in the right direction:

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This is my organized mess of school supplies. I had a Thirty-One organizer that I put inside and sort of filled with other things that used to clutter the top of my desk. With that said, I’m still happy it’s all in one place. This is much better than what is was before.

DIY does not always mean you have to go out and buy things. You have to find DIYs that work for you. Or find where you could possibly use something else. Get creative and if it fails, well that’s kind of apart of DIYs.

Hope this helps you,

Carpe Diem!

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