Saturday, January 31, 2015

Amongst the debts and crap life throws at me at least there are pretty ribbons

Last night I had a bit of a meltdown, in full on wonderful crazy lady style. My poor husband didn’t know what to do with me, so I just sat there, sobbed, wailed, and told him how we had so little money and I was so fed up with everything. Unfortunately due to the sobbing, wailing and shaking he didn’t hear a word of it. Instead he put a comedy series on his iPad, got me a drink and a custard filled doughnut, told me to eat and drink and calm the hell down.

I did, but not before crushing chest pain kicked in and I felt the full onslaught of the hyperventilation that signals my anxiety attacks. Then I slept. I accepted there is nothing I can do about it apart from apologise to creditors, make arrangements for next month, take deep breaths and suck it up. Yeah we are in financial difficulty like so many people in this country. We both hold good jobs with lots of responsibility but unfortunately not the pay to match. And it sucks, a lot. But it could be worse, we have a roof over our heads, we have a car and due to not paying said creditors we have food.

My lovely husband let me sleep in, which made a huge difference to me. I return to my night shift duty tonight so a good sleep the night before is always appreciated. Then when I got up he took me out, just for a walk around our local little shopping centre. Then he gave me £10 of our money and told me to go to the local haberdashery. I have three blankets awaiting completion, which means ribbon and bows or some other form of adornment. I had been terrified to tell my lovely donators that I wouldn’t be able to finish them for another month, this single note meant I didn’t have to do that. I got all the ribbon and some lovely little bows with beading and some sparkles to add a special touch to my blankets.

I was like a child in a sweet shop (kid in a candy shop if your American 😂). I only spent £5 but that got me everything I needed. The rest I spent on treats for C and hubby. We may be struggling, we may be poor, but we have each other……..and pretty ribbons.


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