Sunday, February 1, 2015

day 31 - an end and DIY crafts

Good evening.

I am back; although I am sad to report I am unsure if I finished this challenged to the best of my ability. After my day 28 – getting back into drinking green tea with my breakfast – I ventured to a girls night down the street. I ate pizza, chip dip, chit-chatted – had a great night! Then, I met day 29. Oh, day 29….

I had plans of coming home after work on Thursday, throwing in some laundry, taking Ace for a walk, & trying out a new stuff mushroom recipe. As I was loading our sheets into the washer, I had to run to the bathroom. It was either the flu or food poisoning. I saw my lunch & breakfast, again.

I camped out on the couch with my favorite blanket, hoping it was just a fluke. {Let it be known, my sister used to get the flu every year and I NEVER got it. Nor, have I ever thrown up when I’ve been sick.} This was an entire new experience for me. Sure, I have found myself on the floor of a bathroom after having too much to drink in college, but it has been years since I have been in that situation. I was laying on the couch, with a glass of water, waiting for Tony to come home and magically make me feel better.

And…. as Tony walked through the door, I found myself running to the bathroom – AGAIN. Sadly, this happen another four times, including the glass of water I tried to drink. I found myself whimpering on the bathroom floor at about 9 o’clock. {I am sure by now you have labeled me a diva, like the rest of my family}. But I just wanted it to stop.

Tony talked me into at least going up to lay in bed. I was easily persuaded because I felt like I could have collapsed with exhaustion at any second. I was able to curl up in bed, with my favorite blanket, and take a cat nap for a couple hours before I had to visit the bathroom – again.

Now, I know an entire new meaning to getting the flu. I would never wish it on my worst enemy.

Needless to say, I have been down for the count the past couple days. I didn’t go into work yesterday, instead I tried to pump as many fluids into my body as humanly possible. Today, I was moving slowly, but cleaned my bathrooms and disinfected every surface I touched the past week.

I’m bummed out because I wanted to end my challenge feeling strong & accomplished. Now, I’m not sure if I can. I had a plan to end my month with a bang {hopefully more on this SOON}, but I guess all I can do is learn from the past couple days.

I have learned how to take care of my body – fluids, fluids, fluids & I have learned, AGAIN, to stop planning, to be flexible, & to go with the flow. I thought I had mastered these things over the past couple years, but clearly, I still have much to learn.

Off to bed.. early, again… sweet dreams, peanuts.


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