Thursday, February 5, 2015

Home made baby wipes and DIY crafts

Ok. So if you’d asked me a year ago if I’d ever make baby wipes, the answer would have probably been, “fuck no.” After ups and downs and trying not to go mad/make my husband rip out his hair at our spending, I’ve been looking for little lifehacks that can save us money, are easy and worthwhile.

Then my friend Rehana mentioned that she makes her own wipe solution. For her 100% cloth diapered babies, she uses this solution in a spray bottle and wets a soft cloth at diaper change time. We are a 70% cloth, 30% disposable household and with baby 3 on the way (which will probably mean two kids in diapers), I thought I’d give it a shot. R told me what she put in her solution, and I did a bit of digging and came up with my own for disposables because, well, I’m trying this thing whole hog for a while.

The first time I made my diaper wipes, I separated each piece of paper towel and folded it into a plastic disposable wipe container we had. It was tedious and hard to use, so I went back to the drawing board. Here are my ingredients:


You can see, I have white vinegar, a gentle baby wash, vitamin E and a mason jar. This mason jar is half a litre. You could also use a litre jar and double up on the wash.


I put the kettle on to boil and put 1/2 a teaspoon of baby wash (or castile soap if you are using a scented essential oil like lavender) and a few drops of vitamin E oil into the jar. Once the water has boiled, I fill the jar right up. while the jar is cooling, I put in a splash (honestly, just a splash) of vinegar.

While the solution is cooling, take your paper towel roll – I really REALLY like the Kirkland brand from Costco, but honestly, use whatever you want that’s thick and absorbent and stands up to heavy work – and using a sharp (not serrated) knife, cut your roll in thirds.

Once your roll is cut in thirds, pick one of your now 3 rolls and pull the paper roll out of the middle while pulling up the end of your paper towel.


When your solution is cooled, pour about 1/3 to 1/2 of the mixture over the paper towel and let it soak up. Close your lid and allow that centre piece to come up through the dispenser.


I find the Kirkland rolls are way too big and wide for these old containers, so I end up taking about 100 sheets off the roll before cutting it to make into travel wipes in much of the same way.

I honestly can’t believe how much I love doing this. I feel like such a dork admitting it, but I even think for #3 son, I’ll do the washable cloths at least until he’s eating solids.

What are some of the best money saving life hacks you’ve done?

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