Wednesday, March 4, 2015

First blog post! Yikes!

Hello and welcome to my blog! This is a first for me and I’m very excited to be (FINALLY!) starting this journey. It’s also a little scary, but I’m just going to dive right in and get started. =)

My name is Katie, I’m in my late twenties, and I live in the Brazos Valley area in Texas. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Nick, and we’ll be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary in June. (Whoa, you guys! Time flies by so quickly!)

This is us! <3

This is us! <3

I’ve started Stella Crafts because, like so many of you out there, I simply love to craft. I love working with my hands, I love art, I love creating. Eventually I want to own my own brick-and-mortar store, which will be named Stella, and I believe this blog will be a stepping stone to one day achieving that dream.

A jewelry board I made

A jewelry board that I made.

You might be wondering where I came up with the name “Stella” for my blog and my future store. Stella is actually my grandmother’s middle name, and I chose it for many reasons. First and foremost – my grandma is awesome, you guys! I really wish you all could meet her, because everyone who meets her loves her. She and my grandfather (a.k.a. Memaw and Papa) are two of my best friends in the world and I love them dearly.

Dorothy Stella - my beautiful grandmother and this blog's namesake.

Dorothy Stella – my beautiful grandmother and this blog’s namesake.

Isn’t she just so classic? And gorgeous? *sigh* I love this picture. In addition to being awesome and beautiful and the best friend a girl could have, she also helped ignite my crafty love. I can remember being somewhere around 6 years old or so and her giving me my grandfather’s old handkerchiefs to practice embroidery on. That’s where it all started. I was hooked.

So, now that you know a little bit about me and how my blog started, I’ll fill you in on what you can expect to find here. I will most definitely be doing tutorials for a wide range of crafts, as well as chronicling everything from trying to learn new skills (sewing, here I come!) to cooking adventures to personal stories, and lots more. I’m a big time reader, so you’ll probably be seeing any pertinent articles posted here at some point, and I would also like to include polls, surveys, and maybe even contests! I’m also going to include a section to post any reader-submitted pictures of projects done from tutorials you find here.

In addition to being a self-proclaimed craftaholic, I’m also a musician and I love love LOVE music. All kinds of music. That being said, I’m going to include song suggestions at the end of each post, so expect to see a WIDE range of songs and musical styles to choose from.

Me playing my guitar.

Me playing my guitar.

Well, that about wraps it up for my first post, folks. Whew! I did it! =D

Thanks for sticking with me to the end of this post, and please bear with me while I stumble through learning all about this whole blogging thing. Feel free to leave comments! I want to hear what you all have to say! You can also email me at Feedback, suggestions, questions, etc. are all encouraged, and if there is anything you’d like to see from me, just let me know!



Your very first song suggestion from me: “Dirty Paws” by Of Monsters and Men.

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