Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Planning My Wedding in 6 Months! and DIY crafts

He put a ring on it!

He put a ring on it!

A few minutes after I got engaged, my fiancé asked me quickly, “So, when do you want to get married?” I looked at him and replied, “In June!” simply because I love the summertime. He confidently answered, “Perfect, we’re getting married this summer!” According to data collected from a survey by Wedding Paper Divas, the majority of engagements are 13-18 months long. But here I am, planning my wedding in as little as 6 months! That makes me a of part the tiny 4% of American engagements. Some may say it’s not enough time to wedding plan and that we are completely insane. However, our family and friends have been kindly supportive and are excited to help us plan. Although it may cause some stress, we are more than ready to tie the knot! We’ve been longing for this day and our greatest desire is to start our lives as one. We’ve been together for over 3 years, and we truly think this was the perfect time to get engaged and get married. Our love has been through the fire and our relationship is golden. We are both mature and responsible enough to take this big step. Marriage is mutually important to us and we value it and know that it holds great importance.

If you’re recently engaged and are debating when to set your wedding date, think about what season or month you would love to get married. If you believe you need a year or so to plan your dream wedding, then go for it! Or if you would love to get married soon like me, then do it! Yes, it may be overwhelming, but as long as you prepare yourself mentally by visualizing and focusing in the end result – being married to your love – everything will be fine! If I can do it, anyone can! I’m really looking forward to see how everyday of my engagement unfolds. Stay tuned!

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